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One More Chance To Hold You - jjk

Your pov

Sitting on the couch while your hands keep on tearing the mails in front of you making you sigh hard and numb.

"Another bill..." You placed the bills down and rubbed your face slowly.

"How can I pay all of this if I don't have any money... a job..."

You closed your eyes and shook your head.

If only Jungkook is still here with me...

It has been 6 months since the two of your heartbeats left you alone.

There's not a single moment you don't ever regret that you didn't follow their footsteps.


The promise you've made with Jungkook makes you striving towards your life.

"Babe... I know... I can't keep on wanting you to be here with the fact that you're already in a better place but I can't help it. I am so lost without you... I am helpless... I screwed my life so badly..."

Without realizing you began to tear up. You brought your legs up to your chest and rested your head on your knees.

Your sobs are getting harder and harder. You unexpectedly felt ridiculous, weak, and alone, with no ground to stand on.

Crying makes your eyelids heavy, your body even heavier. Slowly you dropped your body on the couch and drifted away to sleep effortlessly.

"Baby? wake up..."

A soft touch was felt on your cheek. You ignore the voice and the touch, trying to get some rest.

"Aaa look how cute you are baby... hehehe" that person giggled.

That giggle...

I somehow found it so familiar...


is that?...

Your eyes flicked open as soon as you thought about it. And you are right.

"Jungkook....." a drop of tear falls on your cheek seeing the person you miss so much sitting next to you.

"Hi baby..." he smiled at you. Tears can be seen forming in his eyes.

You didn't waste any time and quickly jumped in his embrace. You can feel the warmth was returned when he embraced you back tightly.

Planting kisses on the top of your head. "My baby..." he repeated that sentence a few times.

"I miss you Jungkook... I miss you so much... don't leave me please..." you begged. Choking on your tears with your voice cracking.

He then pulled away from the hug and he cupped your cheek and wiped the tears with his thumb.

"Baby... you know I can't..." he stopped for a while. Trying to find the right words.

"you know... we are in two different worlds now... you have to start living. You have to continue your life... without me... forever"

He caresses your cheek lightly. You furrowed your eyebrows

"I... I don't understand..."

You sat up straight. You hold his hands tightly "you are here to take me with you right? You come here to bring me back to you... right?..."

Your eyes filled with tears once again. Your heart aches when you see him shook his head.

Your breathing becomes heavy. "Are you leaving me again??" His eyes fixed on you. That eye never lies.

"No... please... take me with you... I'll do anything you want me too. I won't ask you for anything... please..."

You placed your forehead on both of his hands, crying your heart out.

"Please..." he cupped your cheek once again.

"I'm sorry baby... I wish I could but I can't... please promise me you live your life to the fullest. Do it for me... okay?" He gives you the purest smile ever.

Silence filled the room.

You both exchanged glances.

He leaned forward resting his forehead on yours.

"Please baby..." he whispers as if he is desperate and out of time.

You closed your eyes and slowly you nodded.

"Thank you baby... I love you" he whispered once again.

Connecting his loveable lips with yours.

You miss the taste of his kissable lips.

You miss him.

Slowly you open your eyes and you are approached with a view that you're in just now. An empty and numb living room.

"Jungkook???" You got up from the couch. Wandering around the house screaming his name but he is nowhere to be found.

"You left me again..." you leaned on the wall.

"It hurts me..." Slowly you slide down on the floor tugging the drenched shirt on your chest.

Two months later

"I'm sorry Ms. Y/n, you are not qualified for this vacancy"

"wha— wait!" The caller hung up on you.

You look forward to the beautiful view in front of you "that's the 26th time I get rejected..."

You stand on the edge of the cliff. Not even once a thought of taking your life. You just wanted to clear up your mind.

You close your eyes breathing in the clear air.

"Please don't jump! Life is too precious for you to do that..."

You open your eyes "please just take my hand. This is not the way to solve the problem... trust me" he pleaded.

You turned your head towards the unfamiliar voice. Your eyes widened and so did he.

"Oh god! It's you! The cafe girl!"

"Oh god! It's you! The cafe girl!"

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