Twenty Six

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Twenty Six

Taehyung pov

"Please be there... please..." I whispered to myself while walking back and forth inside the elevator. "Argh! What took you so long? Come on!!" I groaned as the elevator took long enough to arrive. I bit my lower lip and scratched the back of my neck.


The elevator door is finally opened. I wasted no time and ran towards the exit door and opened it. I searched for her figure all over the place and I stopped when I heard faint sobs coming from the other side of the wall.

Slowly I made my way there and saw y/n sitting on the floor while hugging her knees with her forehead placed on top of it. That view breaks my heart so badly.

I took steps towards her and sat down next to her. I lean on the wall behind me and look up to the gloomy sky above me. I closed my eyes and let out a small sigh.

"Even the sky is gloomy because the cheerful little princess is crying..." I said slowly. I tilt my head towards her.

She is still in the same position. The only thing that is changing is her sobs becoming harder. I pulled her weak body to my embrace.

She immediately wrapped her arms around my waist and sobbing hard on my chest. I stroke her hair gently, kissing the top of her hair.

"I-I'm... I'm sorry T-Tae..." I stayed quiet, letting her finish her sentence "I'm sorry for not listening to you..." she looked up to me with her teary eyes.

"I'm the one who should be sorry muffin... I should've protected you yet I let my stupid emotions get controlled of me. You don't deserve to be treated like that. I'll make sure he will pay the price of his stupid behaviour" I speak slowly.

Her eyes stared at mine. The way she looked at me sent a lot of electricity to my heart. "I miss you... I miss hearing you calling me muffin..." I smile and hold her hand, caressing it gently.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you all this time... I'm sorry for—"

"it's okay... the heart wants what it wants. I don't blame you at all. I understand you" I nodded and kissed her forehead.

"please stop crying..." I whispered on her right ear. She nodded and wiped her tears away "can you accompany me?" Even though I was curious, I just nodded and didn't ask her further and just followed her.

Three months later

Jungkook pov

It has been 3 months since I last spoke to y/n and Taehyung. Because of her Taehyung has become so distant to me. He would only leave me a dark glare and sneered at every word and movement that I do.

The other members tried to get things together between us like the good old days but knowing Taehyung's nature many attempts went to hell of dead road. Even Yoongi the problem solver attempt made pitch hole of black in darkness. Many group meetings, group counselling we have attended yet the result is still the same.

He, Taehyung still put the blame on me.

"You will regret this"

"Remember that"

As confused as I was I decided to ignore that. That was none of my matters to care. In stage we act goofy just like how we are before everything happened but once the we are home and when the camera was off Taehyung will be back with his bitch face.

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