Chapter 12

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Warning: This chapter may contain elements about PTSD, DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY.  READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Myoui Mina's POV.

I opened the limo's door. Took a step out on the red carpet. We are at the school's gate. Kim Taehyung holding my hand with the corsage on it.

The cameras' shutters, taking pictures of us. At our back there was Han Young with a suit. With no date.

I look at Taehyung and his built was overpowering mine. He's so tall. His hair was slicked back.

In the entrance, I saw Jeon Jungkook flirting with girls and turnef to us. He looked at us, head to toes. He was quietly judging Taehyung but I guess he really cant. Sike.

"Wow Kim Taehyung, it's a miracle!" Jungkook laughed at Taehyung.

"Yeah it's a miracle that you actually looked like a good man tonight." I teased him. "but you're not."

And the girls rolled their eyes at me. As I turned back I was curious where Han Young had gone without telling us.

Everybody gathered infront of the stage to watch the opening dance and prayers of the prom.

Our principal telling us the order of the events and how we should be responsibe for drinking the punch and all the reminders he can think about.

After the first dance of the students, Taehyung and I went to the photobooth and asked for pictures.

It was easily printed and I put it in my purse. I look at Taehyung and he smiles. He looks at the picture once again with his eyes sparkling and put it on his wallet and in his pocket.

"You know you're so stunning right?" He turned to me.

He puts his hand on my hip and kissed my forehead. He looks at me and smile. I tiptoed and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I love you, Kim Taehyung." I said.

"I love you more, Minari."

We danced all night and totally forgot about Han Young's where abouts. We were enjoying the night like it was the last one.

When suddenly a scream was approaching us. A student with her mascara smudged from all the crying ran and ran.

"H-Han Young..." She sobbed and all the staff came to her. "He's there.. Loading a gun. Oh my... Oh.."

"Hi thanks for informing them by the way. So now run before I shoot this gun at your face." Han Young yelled from a distance.

I was looking at Taehyung the whole time because I know his trauma when his mom was shot.

"Put it down Lee Han Young." I calmy told him.

The girls in the room was screaming. Han Young was shaking while the gun was pointed at Kim Taehyung.

"I can't even sit at the cafeteria. All I wanna do is eat but you people laugh at me." Han Young complained histerically.

"Sit with me. S-Sit with me at lunch, even at dismissal let's walk together. J-Just put it down, Han Young. P-Please." I begged him.

Every morning I see Han Young bullied by the school jocks but I didn't anything to help him unlike with Taehyung, I step it up.

Maybe that's why, Han Young is being like this. He was bullied because of his weight and his big nerdy glasses and ofcourse his odor.

"I will help you get through this, Lee! J-just please! Oh my--"

I was shocked when Lee Han Young fired the gun to my left shoulder. I held it and put on pressure on it to stop the bleeding.

Taehyung was holding his ears and was shaking. He has PTSD due to the shooting at his dad's building and her mom died because of it.

I didn't think of myself. I want to hug Tae and tell him he is fine everything's fine but no. It's too dangerous. I want to think about every decision I make right now.

"I'm sorry, Mina. I didn't want to do this but you're too talkative." Lee Han Young told me.

"N-No. N-No. N-Nooo!!" Taehyung was panicking.

"Shut up, Kim Taehyung!" Han young yelled.

"Lee, let's talk.. W-What do you want? Do you want me to die? Please let us out." I told him.

"N-No please. N-No." Taehyung continued crying.

Lee Han Young pointed the gun at Tae's head when he was about to shoot I ran to block Taehyung and the bullet passed through my abdomen. I continued to lose blood.

"Why does it have to be you? Why not me? Why is it unfair Mina?"

I couldnt speak and breathe. Lee Han Young noticed it and Han Young panicked. He threw his gun and tried to help me. He picked me up and went outside the gate where the police was waiting for the gunner.

He handed me over to the paramedics and turned his self in. And few moments later I saw Taehyung running towards me.

"I'm sorry. This is my fault. I didn't protect you I'm sorry Mina." Taehyung said over and over and over.

He said sorry repeatedly but he can not look me in the eye. I was really lightheaded. So I couldn't even talk. The paramedics told Him that they'll rush me to the hospital or it'll be too late.

He stepped back and cried. I tried to call him but I passed out.

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