Chapter 22

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Taehyung's POV.

"She survived over a year, this means the medicationa and therapies are working right?" I asked my friend.

"Probably but She needs to have further observation. Let's just make sure She's really cancer free." He said.

I looked at Mina her eyes were filled with tears. She hugged me and I kissed her.

"Oh my God. Taehyung-ah. Is this true?" She exclaimed.

"Well, don't get your hopes up but probably you are cancer free." Her doctor said.

Mina trusted me and came with me to U.S. My friend treated her and today is the most special day for both of us.

Yesterday, Mina got her labs. She didn't sleep last night because She was very nervous. She fought cancer for a year and a half with me by her side every minute.


"Taehyung, wake up."

She woke me up crawling on the floor with her hand on his stomach. The last thing I remember, She went to the bathroom to freshen up the next thing happened was she crumpling in pain.

It's our 3rd week here and every night She experiences pain that almost made her give up but I didn't let her.

"You wanna go to the hospital?" I picked her up and assisted her to sit on the bed.

"And what? Poke needles to me and the pain won't even go away?" She sobbed. "Can you just get my painkillers.

Every twice a week, She would vomit on the bed. Sometimes She has mood swings that I couldn't understand.

I really tried adjusting my patience for her and it was really worth it. One day, when she started to get better She woke me up, kissed me on the lips and hugged me tightly.

Telling me excitedly that her tests and lab works came negative and that day really meant alot to me because that day, once again... I saw her precious smile I've been longin for.

"Tae! Oh my God Taehyung. Kim Taehyung wake up!" Mina screamed and woke me up.

"What? It's 8 in the morning. Everybody's slee-"

"I got the results! They came back negative. Tae!!"

i jumped out of bed and hugged her. She was smiling at me so I just stared at her and the she kissed me on the lips and hugged me.

"Thank you, Taehyung for fighting with me and for taking good care of me." She smiled. "I love you."

That made me smile alot. Cooking? I smile. Take a shower? I smile. Doing everything I hate, I smile. Finally, My Mina is back.

And this time, I won't let her go away from me. I won't lose her again.

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