Chapter 21

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Myoui Mina's POV.

All I know is that I let Taehyung take care of me again. Jungkook got mad but accepted the fact that, I have always waited for Taehyung to come back.

Now he's back, I'm caught between feeling safe with him or not. Yes, I love him but whenever I see him I feel hate.

I always remember what I've gone through when he left me. I remember crying myself to sleep not knowing where he went.

Asking my worth as a person. If I was that easy and for him to leave me like that, too easy for Him so he just came back like nothing happend.

But all these means nothing. I am dying and I want to make the most of everything. I love him and I am ready to give another chance.

I am not God to never forgive. I'm just a person and we people make mistakes. We forgive. We may never forget but we go on.

The scar will never go away, but that's life. It's like a survival game. Everyone turns out to be a traitor and hurt you but at the end of the day if you survived that scars won't mean anything.

That's life. You may give and give and give until you feel empty but they'll just take and take until they empty you.

"Here. Drink your medicines and then rest."

Taehyung handed me my meducunes and a glass of water. He tucked me in my bed. Dimmed the lights and sat beside me.

"Hobi Hyung called." he scoffed. "The board handed him over the project. So you can rest."

"Is that okay with you?" I asked..

"Ofcourse. I thought of that project because I want to work with you. That way I can always talk to you and..."


"Just nevermind. Rest okay?"

He smiled and carassed my hair. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I couldn't sleep there so I just stayed on his arm.

He snored so I looked at him. His face was close to mine. Seeing his face this close made me sob a little.

Even after everything, I know to myself that I always loved him or maybe even if He hurts me and hurts me, it's still gonna be him.

I couldn't even imagine myself being with someone else but Him. He's different. I know he had hurt me but because there's a reason right? Because everything happens for a reason.

I grew up believing everything has reasons and I want to make myself believe it right now because I love Him.

I looked at his face one more time.

"I love you." I said and smiled.

And went straight to sleep.

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