S.M 1.26

221 2 0

Her Thoughts.

I can feel his eyes in the back of my subconscious I know his watching , just like before he hopes to catch me in his orbit. Speak the words that bring me in closer and closer. I fear that one moment alone, that first kiss that wasn't supposed to happen. I fear the sensation of his strong  hands on my body causing me to tremble in ecstasy.  My wetness on his fingers , taking away all fucks given. If I succumb to him , he would not be from a lack of trying. If I know him , he loves this waiting game. Well ,  he can wait for  however long he wants. I can't go back down that path.  I don't want to be his secret again. I moved away , to start over fresh , but I guess the universe likes playing games.
I mean this could be all in my head , and he could be  focused on his happy family.
But I know he can't forget , I know he still gets  hard thinking of me at night.  All the freaky things we did , they way I sucked his dick in the back of the bar parking lot. Or that first night we spent in hotel. But that doesn't matter cause I don't want him. I don't need him. I have my own man at home now...........

Test messages.

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