S.M 1.23

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Next day .

He walks in to see here texting someone close to his inner circle. Argument occurred .

Text messages.
His text.

So that's our new understanding right?

Her text.
What do u mean??

His text.
I'm just saying I can act accordingly

Her text.
Do whatever . I am conflicted by the fact that I am not enough and just enough for u . I hate this battle in my mind. I can handle us and sometimes I cant. It depends on the day i wish i could be more open today and let you in but you don't belong to me so I can only partially  have u . I dont like that I am already going through my own co dependent issues and liking u is bad enough. I'm sorry but I have to have options too.
I know I can be jealous but I'm selfish to the core. And I do mind u being with someone else's.  I also like our company so everyday is different with me

His text.
I Don't mind you having options , but it's not smart to talk to multiple  people in the same group.

Her text.
I'm not fucking anyone . Just like u told me I can connect right. Why do u have to be greedy? Why isnt your one girl enough for u? Why u gotta try to take part of my heart too?

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