S.M 1.24

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His text.
Ok maybe I'm over reacting
I felt you might be actually going against our agreement. I apologize.

Her text.
My heart is my art and time I spend with u.can u answer these questions and then I can tell u why I'm in conversations with other people.

His text.
I don't mind convo

Her text.
Repeat that.
What's our agreement again?
Remind me

His text.
Maybe I'm overreacting just wasn't expecting people in our own group When I suggested date and make friends.

Her text.
It's a few people . I am making friends. Respond to my questions first dont avoid

His text.
I'll answer that question when I fully understand what the answer is

Her text.
Answer to what

His text.
Your question

His text.
I don't need this confusion everyday.  I feel like your playing with me.
You can't be consistent.  I'm trying to be patience but like you said I have plenty of women  I don't have to be . You like to bring up my relationships up. For reasoning for your attitude or coldness I don't need to deal . I'm ending it here. Because seems like you want to anyway . I don't like begging for nothing even for you to be consistent on how you treat me. I'll make it easy for you . Trust I don't need to be greedy, I can put myself on a diet .

No reply.

His thoughts.
I can't help but feel like my reaction, was exactly what she wanted. If it wasn't, time will revel the truth . To be or not to be continued.

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