My Sexy Muse 1 : Poetic love

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Test messages.

Him:What turns you on?
Her:A man reading me sensual poetry while we smoke a blunt together perfect foreplay
Him:Thanks for the hint,
I got some poems to read to you and a blunt lol.
Him: I think me and you or destined to meet up sooner or later.
Her: There is a reason for our interactions. The universe will reveal the purpose in due time.
Him: When the planets align we will intertwined right lol
Nah, this won't have nothing to do with the planets
Him: Big bangs don't just happen, the Universe had to plan it
Or should I say BIG O.
Her:See she already did. I found your profile, sent you a picture, and we have a connection.
Her: I'm just going along with the natural flow of life experience.
Him: Ummm I can't wait to see the climax scene.
Her: it coming trust me

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