S.M 1.10

820 11 0

Later that night .

His thoughts.
I opened the door to her bedroom. Her passion and lust hit me like a wave . I let it take me under
I didn't care if I drowned in it.

Her thoughts.
I insist , no hesitation
I found pure uninterrupted courage to make sure he knew my brown being needed no delays on communication
No extra words
Sentences seeking punctuation
Processing verbal punishments
With your traveling tongue
Talk to me in your universe of griping sheets and pleasures I release
Rewards in strokes
Unfiltered opportunities of no hesitations
Rewards in stokes
Unfiltered liberation
Freedom tonight because tomorrow isn't guaranteed
I only know how he feels by the way he holds me
Keeping me warm
No better time then now
Measure me by the time and distance
shadow my curves
Embrace my stance
Taking advantage over hands
Placed in salutations of tasting
Give me freedom in another exchange

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