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Later that day.
His text.

Do You want to go out tonight baby .

Her text.

Sure let me rearrange my work schedule.
Where to ?

His text.
So you work at night now?

Her text.

Yes I had to switch my schedule I had too many things to do during the day.

His text.

I thought you might enjoy trying something different tonight. Do you trust me ?

Her texts.
I do.

His text.

I got fantasy , I want to watch you dancing and flirting with someone else , I want you to look at me while you do it . Then at the very end of the night I want you Leave with me. Do You think you can enjoy that baby.

I won't to see you get as close as you can before pulling away . Then I won't to take you home , and enjoy what he could never have.

Her text.

Okay I can do that. But you have to do that thing I like afterwards

His text.
You like some many things baby.  But ok

Her text.
It includes your tongue. Lol

His text.

Her text.
Okay let me get ready, red or black?

His text.
Im thinking Black,
I got some presents  for you tonight that will go good with your black dress.

Her text.
Oh really? Gifts maybe you'll get more than you banked on

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