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Hello! Firstly I apologize, I lost my account for sometime and it took forever to find a way to have it back. I'll give you a little special chapter for the inconvenience.

-----2 YEARS LATER-----

It was there, but you ignored it the first time and kept sleeping. But it kept going and going, it wasn't very noticeable or did anything that called for you to say something but the fact that it was happening made you wake up. You looked at your clock to see it was way too early in fact it was 2:03am. You rolled your eyes but got up slowly stretching and yawning when something broke and you paused confused and panicking at the same time.

-Hey...- you called for him who was very asleep in the opposite side of the bed- Zoro...- he grumbled and rolled to reach for you on your side of the bed only to see you were not only not there but standing with a weird expression

-What?- he said looking at the clock- is too early... I don't want to train right now- he said going back to sleep, you threw a pillow at his face- what!?

-I think my water broke!- you said both angry and panicking which made Zoro jump out the bed panicking as well, you had been expecting the baby to be born for the past week but because it hadn't you had programmed it to be born the following day, who would've thought the baby would want to be born a day before- take the bag please- you said starting to feel the contractions again, just the thing that woke you up.

-I have it here, let's go- he said rather worried, he took your hand but before he started dragging you he stopped- can you walk? do you need me to carry you?- he asked, panicking just like you, it was your first baby so both of you were panicking to another level.

Everything since you discover you were pregnant had been like that, despite the many books and doctors you had been to you panicked over little things and so did Zoro. Your father even came to visit to make sure you were doing great but with every sneeze and cough he panicked just like Zoro, which was for sometime the only thing that made them get along perfectly. You knew you were fine, but you would've like to have had your mother's guidance for some stuff, specially now that you were about to give birth.

-Don't drive to fast!- you said taking deep breaths, Zoro slowed down despite the urge to get to the hospital, but a contraction came in making you scream- faster please!!- he, not even arguing drove faster knowing time was vital- don't turn here!- you yelled as he was about to do a wrong turn, even in this stressful situations he was about to get lost.

-We are almost there just wait!- he said when you held his arm very strongly because of the pain, in less than a minute you were in front of the hospital, Zoro ran outside and came back fast with help- I'm going to park the car, I'll be there in a minute- you nodded while you were being taken inside the building, hospitals were the things you liked least of the cities, every time you traveled with Zoro you avoided those areas because they were intimidating and now you were about to give birth in one

-Someone follow him... he gets lost- you said to a nurse who nodded and ran behind Zoro, you wanted him to be there to see the baby- thank you...- you were placed in a white room, nurses running all around you preparing everything

-How are you Y/N?- the doctor came in- I thought our appointment was for tomorrow but I see someone couldn't wait to pop out- he joked which wasn't funny in the situation you were in- let me see...- the doctor checked everything to make sure you were okay and that the baby was fine- do you want to know?

-Not yet- you said breathing heavily- I just have to wait a little more to know- both Zoro and you were very curious about the baby's gender and because of that you were holding back the curiosity until it was born to see if you could handle it

-He was on the other side of the building- a nurse entered dragging Zoro with her, she looked like she had it rough to find him and bring him to you, you gave her an apologetic look while she walked away rather tired

-Its the hospital, is built weirdly- he said as an excuse, he was soon to be by your side to check if you were fine- how much longer does she have to be like this?- he asked hoping it would end soon

-Not much longer, she is about to pop- the doctor said placing everything in order for you to deliver- I must say that if you are not very fond of blood that you wait outside Mr. Roronoa- but Zoro just held your hand, he was not going to leave

-Aaah!- you screamed, making everything go fast from there on for you, on the other hand for Zoro it just slowed down.

He felt like everything was going in slow motion. He was going to be a father, and he himself couldn't believe it, he never thought that day would come and yet there he was about to become one. His friends had reassure him he was going to be fine, you did multiple times, you would look him in the eye and tell him how great of a father he was going to be. He felt the need to run away and and the same time he felt the need to hold you tight and close, before his thoughts could land on either option the sound of a baby crying set him back on his tracks. 

-It's a girl- the doctor said handing her to Zoro, his strong arms where shaking and he feared she would fell or break if he held her incorrectly, but once she was one his arms he calmed down- she has your eyes- the doctor said looking at you to avoid mentioning her little green hairs growing on her head, he was definitely Zoro's

-I promise I'm going to keep you safe forever...- he whispered into the baby's ear who stopped crying immediately, you looked at them and wished you had brought a camera with you, he carried her like he had always known her

-Can I carry her now?- you asked politely as it was also your child and you had just gave birth to her, Zoro looked hesitant to give her to you which made you both happy and worried seeing how protective he was over her already- she is so pretty

-Well, you made her and stuff- he said trying to give a compliment which made you chuckle- why is she so small?- he asked while you held her on your chest, he was amazed by her size- does she....- he started counting her toes and fingers to see if she was complete

-She is fine- you said giving her a nose kiss- she is like a mini you- he smiled at the comment- let's just hope she has my sense of direction

-Oi!- he complained- she is perfect with or without a good sense of direction- he couldn't take his eyes off the baby, so small and pretty, just like you

-I thought about Kuina for a name- you said, you knew that name very well for his stories and you wanted her to have her name. You saw how his eyes began to shine, his smile got wider and wider with every second as if you granted him a wish he never knew he had

-I love you- he said- both of you...

The Best (Zoro X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora