Chapter XI

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Your face was red, the couple tourist looked at you waiting for an answer. What had been a friendly group of people became a set of judging eyes turning to you, the stares of the people were stressing you out, you noticed your hand shaking.

-Let's end the tour- you managed to say, gaining defeated looks from the tourists who wanted to know what it was going to happen- you can take pictures and walk around the area

-Sorry- Zoro said approaching you, he didn't realize it what had slipped out of his mouth until the tourist looked at him

-It's... it's okay just, please don't do that again- you took a deep breath, they were just curious tourists after all

-Are you nervous? - he teased, you punched his shoulder, it probably hurt you more than you hurt him

-I'm not! - he chuckled- so are we... are we having a date? - your mood changed drastically, he messed your hair up

-Why would I ask if I'm not going to do it? -he talked seriously- I was thinking eating something on town, I needed to go there anyway

-Is there something you need from there? - you stretched your arms, you needed to get changed if you wanted to go to the town

-I just need to call someone, but there is little to not reception here- Zoro looked at you again, you looked pretty in your traditional outfit, he knew you would want to change it but he wished you didn't

-I'll be back in 10 then- you started walking away- please don't move, I don't want to lose you- Zoro's heart raised, he knew she meant to say it in a way where he can't find his way but it sounded so cute that he couldn't helped but to see it the other way

The sun was still in the sky when you and Zoro left the temple, at the beginning it was easy to make him follow you but after he almost gave a wrong turn you decided to do something, so you made him place a hand in your head as you leaded the way to the town. If anyone would see you they would think that it was adorable, you didn't thought much of it because you were trying to guide Zoro but he was trying not to blush, your hair was soft and shiny and he couldn't get over the fact that his hand almost covered all your head

-Here... - you said proudly after getting out of the path, you looked at the town proud, you thought it would take more to take him there- what do you feel like eating?

-You know this place more than me, how about you decide? - Zoro's phone started getting thousands of messages to the point that he thought it was going to explode- what the hell?

-Someone must have been trying to contact you- you pointed out, still directing Zoro to a dinner you liked, he checked it and found at least 300 messages from his manager

"Roronoa this is not funny, where are you?"

"I just received your voicemail, where the hell do you think you are going?"



Those were some of the messages he had, he couldn't blame him for worrying, he practically left without telling anyone and just after the tournament so the media and his manager were eager to contact him. But he wasn't ready to go back, at least not yet.

-You are going to like this place- you said opening the door for Zoro who entered to a traditional ramen place, by the smell he knew it was good- this is my favorite place in the whole town, it's empty and it's good

-It's a quiet place too- he pointed out- feel free to choose whatever you want, I'll pay

-Nonsense- said a man in an apron, who Zoro guesses worked there- if Y/N is bring a boy over, we'll leave it free- maybe you had been there too many times, if someone asked you, you'll know the names of everyone who worked there and everyone knew you- please, what do you want?

-two of the best- you said- you need to try this, I'm sure you're going to love it

-And I like... don't really care about it, I just want to get out of here- a irritating voice entered the place, your cheerful face turned into a worried one and your head would not turn to face them. Across the room, Kahori and her group of friends sat, too busy to acknowledge your presence

-I need to call someone, I'll be back- Zoro said after receiving another message from his manager. He exited the place not even noticing the group of girls, who once they saw his passing by couldn't help but to spot you in the restaurant.


-I told you I needed a break-Zoro replied calmly- I just called you to ask when the tournament starts?

-I don't know why I'm still your manager...- Zoro heard him cursing himself- it's in 2 months... when are you coming back? We need to train you

-I've been training myself- his manager gave up on him, he was obviously doing whatever he wanted to and there was no way to bring him back- I just called you so you know I'm okay

-That's all I needed to know...- he sighted- if you need something call me again, I'll send you updates of the tournament by email so please check them

-Thank you, G,

-Whatever, please don't overdo yourself dumbass- he hanged up, Zoro chuckled, he had found the best manager he could afford and it turned out to be great for both of them, G had always known how to handle Zoro's schedule even when Zoro didn't had one

Zoro was about to enter the restaurant when he heard something getting shattered, he walked inside in a hurry thinking something was wrong. You were walking to the exit with ramen in your head, there was a shattered bowl in the floor and an angry Kahori yelling at you. You took Zoro's hand and walked him out of there, still with the ramen in your head

-Are you okay? - he tried to remove some of the food but you slapped his hand out of your head

-I'm fine- you said strongly, but he got in front of you stopping you

-What's wrong? - he asked as nicely as he could- are you alright?

-She tried to piss me off, that's all...

"-Take your dumbass away from here, you are nothing than a temple girl. I don't know why someone like him would be even interested on you, maybe he just pities you and your lonely ass- the bowl shattered in the floor- YOU ALMOST HIT ME BITCH!"

-Maybe we can get something in the temple if you want to, we can have another date later- you didn't want to go back to the temple, it was your home, but it wasn't the place you wanted to be, and they had just reminded you that you'll always stay there

-Do you really want to try something with me? - your eyes were stuck on the floor- I've never done anything like this, you can tell me the truth

-Y/N stop saying bullshit- Zoro lifted your face- look at me, don't let anyone tell you what I want to do- he kissed you, your worried melted away for a second- let's get the food off your head...

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