Chapter X

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The night had passed by slowly, neither you or Zoro could actually sleep after that interaction, your mind was handling the situation better but you were still full of questions, you had never been in this position before and it was something that you didn't know how to handle at all. Zoro was still figuring out what to do with you, there were so many things that he had to do, he needed to keep training and soon he would have to return to the city to do some competitions, he knew he could easily do those and return but after the main one, what would he do?

Figuring out that his mind wouldn't let him sleep he decided to head out to train in the garden just as the sun began to rise. As soon as he walked outside, he noticed something in the floor, not too far from where he was, he got closer to see it, it was a pretty flower laying on the ground like someone had almost step on it. Zoro took the flower and fixed it as much as he could, it was pretty now that he had fixed it a little bit, pretty enough to give him an idea

-Good morning- you said to yourself after washing your face to give you a morning boost, your eyes were tired, but not your smile, your smile was still there looking cheesy and stupid on your face, but you couldn't help it

You fixed yourself enough for the day and walked outside your room, just to find a glass of water with a little flower on it. You kneeled and took it carefully to not spill the water, you knew it was from him and that made that smile show up again. You placed it next to your bed and admired it for at least a minute before realizing that you needed to head out to do your chores, it was a shame, because you could admire it for a whole day

-Y/N, are you feeling better? - asked your father as soon as you left your room- I was just about to see how you were doing

-I'm feeling better, thanks- he smiled kindly to you

-Please don't overdo yourself, if you need to rest just rest and I'll make someone take over your chores- he hugged you, it was weird for you receive one of your father hugs, that's when you knew he was worried or too troubled with his emotions to express them in actual words

-I promise I'm fine-you murmur before he let go of you and patted your shoulder

-If anything, I'll be on my... office- he said, you nodded as he walked away, he was feeling a little sentimental lately and you knew it

-Thank you, dad...- you walked into the opposite direction to start your day, your chores from that day were just taking care of one garden and giving a small group of tourists a tour of the temple.

It wasn't weird to get some tourists from time to time but it wasn't common either, still you had been taking care of the tours for a long time, mostly to make sure the tourist would respect the temple properly and to avoid them to get into the dangerous parts of the mountains. You needed to get into a more traditional outfit for the tour but that was going to wait after you check out the garden

The garden you usually took care of was one of the prettiest one, you would spend a lot of your time there making it look better and when no one was around you would dance there to just get your feelings out. As you got there you found the green haired man resting, probably on a nap, he was still sweaty and his equipment was scattered everywhere, your chest warmed up. You decided to let him be as you checked up on the garden and began watering up the plants, it was a soothing activity that you enjoyed

-Thank you for the flower- you said when you felt a pair of eyes observing you, you turned to see him, he had just sat up and couldn't help but to smirk a little

-You are welcome- he reached for his bottle of water- it's a beautiful garden- he said before finishing the bottle

-Thank you again, my mother used to take care of it, I'm trying to keep it as pretty as it used to be- you sat next to him

-I think she would like it- Zoro looked at you, but you wouldn't turn, you kept looking at the garden with melancholy avoiding the subject

-I'm giving a tour for some people if you want to join me- you said now actually facing him-maybe you'll learn something new about this place

-You give tours? - he asked as you got up

-I do almost everything here- you winked- Mr. Ito used to give them but he got lazy and now he complains about not remembering the history of the place, so I had to learn it all

-Isn't it tiring? - he said as he collected his equipment- you practically run this place

-That is what am I supposed to do in the future- you tried to help with one of the weights and could barely move it, Zoro took it over- I got used to it

-You don't seem to happy about it- he noticed, usually when you talked you had this brightness on your face, but not now

-If I'm being honest, it's not my dream, but it what I have to do- you waited for Zoro to get his bag now with the equipment, Zoro was about to ask you something when you interrupted him- Come on, I need to get ready for the tour

You ended that conversation, not wanting to discuss that topic either. It was a personal thing that you've live with for a long time, since you were born your father had wanted to give you the temple so you could take care of it and you had grown to accept it but deep inside you had always wanted more.

Zoro joined the tour just as it was starting, seeing you in a more traditional outfit was weird but he liked it nonetheless. You gave your soul into every detail in the tour, showing it off as much as you could to the tourist and often redirecting Zoro during the same tour. He saw it then, how much you gave of yourself in what you were doing, you were in point with every detail of the temple and tried to explain it the best way that you could, but he found that you were lacking that fiery passion that he had seen before in you, clearly you weren't thrilled about the temple and he wanted to know why

-Are there any questions? - you asked to the small group and Zoro raised his hand- yes Roronoa?

-Do you want to go on a date?

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