Chapter XIII

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-659, 660... 661, 662- Zoro kept lifting the heavy rock, he had been doing that for not long and you had been helping him count- 663, 164... 65...66

-They're fine- he said, you were constantly distracted by your father talking with Ms. Chie not far away

-667, 668, 669, 670... but what if he says no? - you crossed your arms- 671, 672, 673... I really want to go outside for a while... to rest, 674, 675, 676

-Then tell him yourself, if you really want to, he needs to know how much it means- you were surprised of how wise he sounded, especially because you thought he was more concentrated lifting the rock

-677, 678, 679, 680... you're right- without hesitation you stud up, placing a water bottle near Zoro- I'll be right back- Zoro nodded and smiled. You walked to your father, slowly, trying not to seem rude by entering the conversation

-Y/N?- he said noticing you approaching- we were just talking about you, Ms. Chie's sister is not feeling well and she might go away for a couple days, she would like to take you with her but I don't think I'll be a good idea- it hurt you to hear that, but Zoro was right, if you wanted to go, you needed him to know- no offense, but we need you here

-I... I would like- that sentence brought you back to reality "We need you here", that phrase sank you in the ground. You looked back and saw Zoro looking at you he was sitting down and had a nice smile on his face- I want to go with Ms. Chie- you said determined- I would like to go with her, its somewhere I haven't been and I would like to see it too

-Y/N... - your father was confused; he had never seen that part of you and he didn't know how to react to it- if you really want to go... then go- that was his answer. Your face lit up and you hugged him

-Thank you so much- Ms. Chie smiled at you satisfied- I'll help you around with whatever you need Ms. Chie- you winked at her

-I really appreciate that Y/N- Ms. Chie said, you smiled at your father hugging him. He was so surprise about your reaction, making him wonder if you and Ms. Chie had talk about it priorly.

Zoro chuckled when he saw you walking back to him with a warm and happy smile on your face, he was proud of you. You didn't say a word, but your face said everything, you sat next to Zoro who messed your hair again earning a chuckle from your behalf

-Let's keep going- you said as he laid down and took the huge rock to keep lifting it- where did we left it?

-680- he said

-Aww, you waited for me to keep going? - he didn't notice that, he had just stopped to see if you were doing fine not really thinking that he had stop- come on, 681...682, 683, 684

They day had been really nice, your mood was up to the sky and Zoro took advantage of that, talking about stuff you like and getting to know you more. You didn't open easily but you talked about stuff you liked and from time to time you'll say something deeper, you even told him all the stuff you did around the temple, thing that he found quite impressive. You did part of gardening, tours, organizing schedules, cleaning, presentations, events and getting supplies.

-For how long have you been doing it? - he asked laying his head on your lap

-I... since I can remember, it started with a few things but since my mother passed they just have been accumulating- you kindly caressed his hair- how about you?- she said trying to change the subject- for how long have you been practicing with your... swords?

-Since really young...- he admitted- can't tell you a specific age

-What's your favorite part of doing what you do? - that question sank into his memories- is it the adrenaline, emotion, the prizes?

-Everything, I don't care about the prizes much. I just try to become the best one... it's a promise I made- his good eye closed, it had been a long time since he had talked about his goal to someone, it felt nice- what do you enjoy the most about the temple?

-...- you had never thought about it. When you thought about taking care of the temple you thought about duties and working hard but not really enjoying it much. You liked the gardens, you liked the people, you liked going out

-Is that why you want to leave? - Zoro caught you in your thoughts- I can see that you put everything here, but what do you want to do?

-I want to see the world- you admitted, it came out of your mouth like you had been holding it your whole life- but as you can see...they need me here- Zoro didn't know how to deal with your answer, he didn't expect that but it opened his mind to understand why you did what you did, how every time you got to do something new you did it excited. and with so much passion- let's go have dinner...

He stood up and help you stood up to, taking your hand. He didn't let go of it though, walking with you to the shared house but stopping you before entering.

-You will see it- he grabbed your chin, kissing you before letting you go, entering the house first while you were standing outside with a red face and shaky legs. Your breathing was a little unstable but you put yourself together, touching your lips with your finger tips one time before entering the house.

Ms. Chie was serving everyone already when you entered, with a satisfied smile on her face. You knew for a fact that the food was going to be 10 times better, it was always like that, her mood always affected how the food ended up tasting so you always hopped for the best.

-When are you leaving? -Mr. Ito asked after he got his plate

-On Friday- Ms. Chie said almost singing, she needed that spa day so much- we'll leave early- she said looking at me

-Why don't you take me? -Mr. Ito replied- you need a strong man to take care of you and protect you- he lied, he wanted to visit a liquor store nearby the town where you were going

-Bullshit- she almost spitted- if we ever need someone, we'll ask our green guy

-Hey! -Zoro protested at the name- I can hear you

-That would be a good idea- your father said- I would feel safer, but our guest came here to work on his skills and to be off the busy life on a city

-I wouldn't mind- Zoro said looking at you for a second- I need to get some stuff done for my next competition and I can't do it here- it was certainly something he wanted to do, but he also wanted the chance to spend time with you in such a nice place maybe even spend a night with you

-If it's not too much to ask- your father said, eyeing you, he really wanted to make sure you were safe

-I'll keep them safe- Zoro smirked looking at you again, he saw how your cheeks turned into a light red making him chuckle a little

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