Chapter VII

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Zoro, as always, was training. He was glad it was a sunny day; he had woken up early and worked out all morning, he had outdone himself lately and he was getting a little sore but being the dumbass that he was he dismissed it and kept working out until he literally felt his back hurting. He considered what to do for a moment, and for him, a nap was a good idea, maybe some rest will solve all of his problems. So, he did was he always does and just laid there under a three to sleep

-Y/N- your father's voice startled you- please stop drooling over him and get to work

-It's not like that! - you defended yourself. It's not like you had been watching him from the distance for over 30 minutes now...- I was just...- you looked around- I was going to ask him if he needed something from the town

-So why haven't you? - he crossed his arms

-I was going to, right now- you gave him an uncomfortable smile and began heading to the sleeping guy ignoring your father's stare

You weren't just staring; you had been thinking on the accident in the small warehouse since the other day and it was bugging you. Every time you saw him your legs and hands would shake making you have little to not control, and it seemed to be difficult to interact with him. It was annoying for you not understanding anything that was happening to you and why it seemed to be related with him

-Roronoa...? - your voice trembled a little- are you awake? - his good eye opened to see you-... sorry... I'll leave you to... nap

-No- he said- it's okay, can I help you with anything? - he felt, nervous?

-I was just wondering if you needed something from the town down the mountain- he sat up but winced a little, maybe he had outdone himself too much, because for the first time it actually hurt- are you okay?

-I'm just sore, don't worry about it-he said rubbing his back, you wasted no time giving it a look- hey, I just told you, there is nothing to worry about

-Are you kidding me?- you touched his back and he winced- you can get really hurt if you don't give yourself a small break... your body must be so sore- you touched the rest of his back to see if something else hurt, but you sent shivers down Zoro's spine- I got just the right thing for you

-You really shouldn't...

-Please, I insist

After a little more debating Zoro ended up in the main house with you getting some oils on his back so they will relax the muscles a little bit more. It was such a weird thing for him and you, he felt like he was getting tense and you had realized you situation when you were already half way into his back, Zoro's back pain got the best of you and you had completely forgot about your little yet annoying problem until you realized you were touching his back like nothing

-can I go next? - Mr. Ito appeared out of nowhere- that's the good oil

-Mr. Ito leave this love birds alone! - Ms. Chie complained dragging the old man out of there- don't you see they are having a moment!?- you both heard, and for some reason you looked at each other, you and Zoro were competing on whose face was redder

-I-I-I I'm sorry you know how Ms. Chie is.... she's just... she wants... I-I... - you were about to pass out, why did you react that way? Were you really feeling something for that man?

-Yeah... sure I get it- he said awkwardly- she's... funny, funny? - he corrected himself- she's... she cares about you- he managed to say

-S-she does...- silence filled the room, the tension was building up as you did nothing but stare at each other for a couple seconds, that felt like ages. And like if it was by instinct, you reached to Zoro's face with your hand and caressed his wounded eye, Zoro grabbed your wrist, waking you up from the trance- I'm so sorry it was not my intention!- you stopped what you were doing- I'm really sorry!!

-Why are you so difficult? - he asked, you were now confused, just as Zoro. He had been thinking about you too, and he tried to ignore it but even when he was training you appeared on his mind or around him, and he couldn't shake that feeling away. He didn't understand you and it made it so hard for him, and had been only been a couple days- I'm sorry...- he let go of your hand- I shouldn't have said that

-...Zoro- his name came out of your mouth like a song for his ears- I'm confused... I can't shake this... thing from my...

-Y/N? - a knock on the door made you stop. You recognized the voice as your fathers. He opened the door and saw you with the bottle of oil and Zoro- Did you hurt yourself Mr. Roronoa?- he nodded- you should have a small break, is good for the body- he said with a gentle smile- Y/N if you are done, can you please help me out send this letter?- he show you the letter- it need to be sent as fast as possible

-I'm on it- you stud up to get the letter, giving Zoro a small glance before getting out of there leaving him to drown in his thoughts

-It seems she didn't do it right- Mr. L/N said- do you mind if I help you out?- before Zoro could even answer, Mr. L/N had already put oil in his hands and began covering the rest of his back with oil, making Zoro really uncomfortable

-You don't need to bother helping me... Mr. L/N- he said after he touched the part that hurt- I think I can take over now...

-Okay, alright- Mr. L/N cleaned his hands quickly- but don't hesitate to call me if you need some help

-I need some help

-Oh, shut up Mr. Ito- Mr. L/N said

-You haven't help me out getting oil in my back since forever! - Mr. Ito said- my arthritis is killing me- Zoro couldn't believe a man with arthritis could run the way he did when the incident in the warehouse happen.

He couldn't believe he was developing feelings for her. She was just something he had never seen, but thinking too much about it made him feel like he was not concentrated enough to get his goal done. He had come all the way there just to avoid distractions and to get out of all his problems for a while but this had started to turn into one.

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