Chapter XXVI

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Waiting for Zoro in the hotel was probably the best idea, but you wanted so badly to see around before you left that you really didn't think it twice. You barely made sure the suitcases were in the room before heading out with a map of the city, not before writing the name of the hotel down and locating it in the map itself to not get lost.

You couldn't help but to be amazed as soon as you started walking around the city, G. was kind enough to choose a hotel in downtown to they could just walk around it easily and you were enjoying his selection already. There wasn't a better place to see the city than the heart of it, so with your head up you walked around seeing the city.

There were things you had never seen before just like every time you visited some place new to you, but you were a fast learner and tried your best to understand your surroundings. At one point you stopped following the map, you let your feet and heart decide your way through the city.

-Oh...- a store caught your attention, it wasn't big or busy but it showed something you had been looking for, for a while.

-Y/N? - Zoro called for you when he walked inside the room, he expected you to be around but couldn't find you anywhere- Y/N?

Zoro got worried, extremely worried as he looked inside the bathroom to see absolutely no one in there as well. He tried calling you but as soon as he did your phone vibrated on the nigh table next to your suitcase.

-Shit shit shit- he cursed as he ran to the door ready to look for you all up and down the city if he needed to

-Hey! - you said as he opened the door, you were just about to reach for the handle when he was about to burst out of the room- how was your interview?

-Oh, for God's sake Y/N, where were you? - he asked worried taking you inside the room

-I went for a walk- you said leaving your shopping bag in the floor- how was the interview? - you asked again nicely, Zoro looked at you dumbfounded as he couldn't believe that you had just left to see the city by yourself

-It was good- he answered as he saw you waiting for his answer- what did you got in there? - he asked seeing you had bought something; he went to peek inside the bag but you stopped him right away

-Please- you said taking the bag away from his view- it's a surprise

-Okay? - he said looking at your phone- you should take it with you, you know?

-I forgot... I'm sorry- you said as you for real had forgot it, you had never had a phone before so it was new to you having to carry it around or even using it

-I need to teach you how to use it- he said as he plopped in the bed- that way you can tell me you are out, I don't want you to be around the bad areas of the city alone- you smiled warmly at him, he cared about you being safe. You plopped next to him finding comfort on his chest

-How are you feeling about tomorrow? - you asked him, he sighted at your question. The first one had been a piece of cake, but the second one was were some good ones appeared ready to steal their place in the finals.

Thanks to you he had been working even harder, practicing and working constantly while also having some obligatory breaks. He felt more than ready to fight whoever was necessary, this was an important step on getting to his goal, he was getting so close to fulfilling his promise.

-What are you thinking about? - you asked seeing that he had not answered your question, he looked directly at you

-Just remembering some stuff- he said rubbing his neck, you wondered if he was tense or nervous

-Would you like a massage? - he raised an eyebrow at your offer, you had already sat on the bed ready to do it. He smirked liking your idea

-Sure- you smiled and got off the bed to prepare for the massage

-Take your shirt off please- you said as you walked inside the bathroom. Zoro did as he was told and took his shirt off... and his pants off... and everything off, he never thought you'll be the type to insinuate in that way but he was definitely going to take it- do you like Coconut oil or...?- to his dismay you walked out of the bathroom completely dress with just some lotions and oils, you were really just offering a simple massage- I only asked for the shirt off... you know?

-...- he felt ashamed somehow that he had even dared to think you'll insinuate him like that, he felt dirty of imagining a completely different scenario from such a pure and nice offer- I'll put them on- he said getting his clothes

-You can just use a towel- you said reaching from one on the bathroom and handing it to him as he laid on the bed

You got in his back placing some oils on it. He had a nice broad back, and you loved it, but you could feel that he was indeed tense so you got to work. Shivers ran down his spine as soon as your hands touched his back, you massaged strongly and carefully trying your best to make his back and neck feel nice again. You had experience massaging Ms. Chie back due to her bad posture, she would constantly ask you for one.

-How are you feeling? - you asked to Zoro who just hummed at your response, he was unable to answer as he felt all the stress disappear into every inch your hands touched. It amazed him how good you were at this, every day he spent with you he discovered something new about you, and so far, he had loved everything, specially this- do you want anything...

You stopped hearing him snore, thing that was really weird coming from him but you knew he would only snore when he was really deep into sleep. He looked adorable and thanks to the oils he smelled so good. You were proud about your work, being able to help him with anything always made you happy.

-Good night sleepy head...- you whispered, you washed your hands from the oil before getting something to sleep and then laid on the bed next to the sleeping Zoro, you wondered if you should woke him up to get some clothes on beside the towel but you wanted him to have a nice night of sleep for what was going to happen the next day.

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