Chapter XVII

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It was warm, his chest. You had woken up early and couldn't go back to sleep, yet you refused to move as he was holding you and as far as you knew he was asleep so you didn't want to ruin his sleep. The thought of him offering you going with him to a new place for a couple of days amused you and even thought it was going to be hard to convince your father, you had to try it.

-It's now or never...- you said to yourself, but facepalmed when Zoro let you go

-What? -he asked stretching his arms. You froze and cursed at yourself for waking him, you nervously sat and turned to see him- what did you said? - he said messing his hair up

-About what? -you said obviously distracting him as to not bring the topic up

-You said something just now- he said looking at you raising an eyebrow

-Did I? - you looked away- maybe I was sleeping

-You were obviously awake...- you looked at him and blinked in confusion- never mind- he walked out of bed into the bathroom as you followed him with your eyes

-he he...- you laugh nervously as he was still naked from last night and seemed to give no shits about it. You felt so weird, maybe it was because you were sore or that you were going to have to talk with your father or it was just that you were going back to the temple in a few hours.

When Zoro left the bathroom, he saw you staring blankly at your suitcase, you hadn't even opened it as you knew that opening it this time meant that your trip was over. He approached you and opened the suitcase from you making you return to the reality

-Sorry I just...- he messed with your hair to reassure you as you took your clothes to get yourself ready, he was quick to stop you grabbing your hand to pull you closer and kiss you making you giggle at the action- stop it moss head I need to shower...- he almost lost it when you said that

-First that stupid guy and now you...? - he mumbled mad to himself, you turned and raised an eyebrow as you heard him

-Who? -he crossed his arms in annoyance

-No one- he was clearly pissed at it; you chuckled and gave him a peck on the lips before leaving him to fight an urge to kill himself by your comment as he thought he didn't have to hear it there or ever again

-Hurry up love birds- said Ms. Chie pushing you both to the bus, you clearly struggling to get inside the bus, glancing around the town before stepping in feeling how your heart sank at the action. Zoro followed you behind and took your hand as you reached a seat, your head stuck in the window as you didn't want the trip to end

-I heard once- he said making you turn- that the end of a journey, is the beginning of another one- your eyes shined when you heard that as he won your heart with that, instead of returning to the window you leaned on his shoulder and held his hand tighter

-How sweet... I never thought it like that- you closed your eyes not wanting to think of going back, trying to think on a world where everything was different- what happened with your competition?

-Not much, just the first round is coming soon- he said as you talked about going somewhere but never got to hear everything about the plan- we have to be there on Monday next week

-I'll help you train...- you mumbled as the bus movement made you sleepy. He smiled at himself when he heard that, almost proud of founding someone like you and happy to see that you wanted to support him

Getting to the town made you feel... defeated, but there wasn't much you could do. Your father was in the bus stop, something rare for him to do as he only went out of the temple for essential stuff or emergencies. Yet there he was launching himself at you when he saw you, not letting you go until he checked that you were completely okay and alive with not a single scratch

-Good job Roronoa- he said winking at him like he was your body guard- I'm so glad you are back, I was so worried

-I'm okay, I swear- you said as he gave you a warm smile

-I know, I know...- he patted you back as you started to walk back to the temple- how is your sister doing Ms. Chie?

-My sister? - she asked before remembering the lie- Oh, yeah... she's better, she just needed some company and some rest

-Good, I hope she recovers fully- your father said, Zoro looked at you as he knew what you had to do and was silently reminding you that was a thing you need to talk to with your father. You gave him a signal for him to wait as you were hoping to do it in the temple and he rolled his eyes but ended up nodding

-Father- you said as soon as you reached the temple gates- can I talk with you for a second?

-What?- he stopped to look at you- well, yes of course- Ms. Chie stopped to see the deal but was pushed inside by Zoro to leave the two of you alone, making her complain for a second before she met your eyes who asked for a moment- what's wrong?

-I need to tell you something- you said looking at the ground and playing with your fingers as you struggled to speak, the stress was building up in your chest. "It's now or never" you repeated on your head, standing up straight and looking to your father directly to his eyes

-Is everything okay? - he said now worried- are you feeling sick again?

-No, I'm alright- you said holding your urge to run away from the situation- I... - you took a deep breath- I got the opportunity- you calmed yourself down

-Opportunity? - he asked crossing his arms not understanding what was going on

-I got the opportunity to visit a city, Sapporo- you said as his face went from confused to blank- and I want to go

-Y/N- he said with a serious tone- you know that Sapporo is a big city? - you nodded- you've never been in a place like that, going somewhere like that and specially now when we need you here

-Please- you said strongly yet politely. Your father was in shock, you weren't the type to ask for much and to that day he had never saw you beg for anything, he was scared, scared of letting you go, yet he could see how much it meant just by the look in your eyes who shined with hope

He did nothing more than to hug you, that was his only way to answer as he wasn't capable of saying anything because he knew he couldn't let you go but he wasn't able to hold you back either. You hug him back not really knowing what to do next, yet you had done it, you talked with him about part of it so you felt proud of yourself

-Promise me to be careful...- he managed to say

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