Chapter VIII

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The way back to the temple was quiet, just as always, you were used to walk to the town alone due to almost everyone in the temple being "too old to walk that much" or at least that's what they all say. You honestly didn't like the town at all, there was too much people and it was kind of noisy, you couldn't imagine living in the big city, it was too much for you.

You couldn't help to see the spot where you found Zoro the first time, you even stop there just to think about it. He was on your mind lately, well since the festival where he protected you, you had little to no experience with men so you welcomed him as a friend but he made you feel, nervous, maybe a little secure, you felt the need to help him because he was so reckless about a lot of stuff

-What am I thinking!- you said holding your head, you didn't had time for this, and neither did he, you knew he was here to train not to just hang around with you so you decided it was a good idea to set things straight with him to avoid misunderstandings. So, you kept walking to the temple, trying to find the right words to say

You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't realize you were there already until you reached the big doors, your chest clenched when you saw Zoro in the distance. You were glad that he had ceased training and was just wondering around. You were about to walk to him but you couldn't move. Why was it so hard?

-Y/N- you heard your father's voice calling you- dear, can you help me out?

-Yes, how can I help you? - you glance at Zoro one more time, he wasn't there anymore

-SOMEONE walked right pass the Zen garden and it's all messed up- he looked at Mr. Ito- can you help me out and correct it?- you looked to the sky, the cloudy sky announced rain, it was weird and unlike your father to arrange the sand before it rains

-Are you sure? - you said pointing to the sky- it's not a nice day

-It's not going to rain- he said- or at least that's what Mr. Ito says

-My knee is not hurting!!- he yelled waving his hands

-I'll do it right away-you gave your father a warm smile and walked to the sand area.

It was the part of the temple you spent less time on, there was always someone meditating, cleaning and in some occasion's tourists, plus it wasn't on your responsibilities to take care of that area so you simply dismissed it. It was a quiet place to be, but it was just not the right spot for you, not even as a child, you thought it was too boring.

You took the rake and jumped into one of the big rocks in the middle of the garden, before starting you saw all the steps of Ms. Ito in the sand, it looked like he tried to be careful and he tripped with one of the small rocks in the garden. You couldn't help but to wonder why would he be walking in the garden so you jumped off the rock and followed his clumsy steps until he fell

-No way...- you kept walking to the direction he was heading to and found a bottle of sake in between some rocks, it was still full

-Mind sharing? - Zoro said scaring you

-DON'T DO THAT!!-You yelled sending the rake in his direction and almost hitting him- you're going give me a heart attack!

-You almost killed me! - he said getting the rake

-I'm sorry- you said approaching him- I'll exchange you the rake for this bottle- Zoro glanced at the bottle, it was a good one

-Is that Mr. Ito's? - he pointed out, the only bottles of alcohol he had seen around the temple were of Mr. Ito

-He's not supposed to drink anyway- you handed the bottle- and I suspect you may like this more than me

-You are not wrong about that- Zoro took the bottle and handed the rake in return- do you mind if I stay here for a while? It a nice place to think

-If by thinking you mean take a nap, be my guest- you chuckled, you had seen him trying to meditate, he always fell asleep- just don't get in the sand- he smiled lightly at you before finding a nice spot

You continued with your work getting on top of a rock again, you did your best tracing smooth lines around it before jumping into the next one and doing the same. It was like you were dancing, your steps were careful but your movements were strong. Zoro was obviously peeking and he felt the way he felt when you danced a week ago, it was like being in a trance, he couldn't stop watching you, were you doing it on purpose? or it was just the way you were?

-Do you like it? - you asked seeing your work almost done, it wasn't the best you had made but you give your best on trying to make it look nice

-It's nice- Zoro eyed the whole garden, it was flawless

-Zoro...- he heard you calling him by his name, he liked it- can I speak to you?- he nodded, you hesitated a second before walking towards him and sitting next to him- you know... what happened earlier today... what I said- you sighted- I really meant it when I said I was confused... but I know you shouldn't bother about things like this, you should keep on training and getting ready not thinking about this whole mess...- you gave him a kind smile- what I mean is... I'm sorry if I bother you

-It's alright, I got all messed up too- he said, but he didn't feel it was what he wanted to say- I should concentrate more in getting better and being better, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding

The conversation ended there, neither you or Zoro knew what to do or say next. Well, you actually wanted to say more, ask for more and so did Zoro but you two had messed up the conversation already and the need to know what the other really felt was eating you alive, yet neither of you truly understood it either. The silence had made the place uncomfortable; it was eating you alive, every second that passed you wanted to run away and hide, but you couldn't move, it was like you were glued next to Zoro


-Zoro- you said at the same time- I'm sorry, I'll leave you to... think

-Thank you, have... a good day- he said clumsily face palming mentally at the response, you stud up slowly and for some reason he studs up too. You started walking away and so did Zoro in the opposite direction, but you only walked some steps when you felt it

-Zoro I... - you turned to see Zoro just in front of you, he wanted to say something too but now that you were in front of him, he couldn't- I...

You were cut short by a kiss, it was short and it lacked much contact, like he was afraid of doing it. You couldn't help but to graph your arms around his neck to pull him closer, making him kiss you again, this time a good kiss. It was like the kiss had said it all, it was strong and sweet and it made you both melt with each other's touch

-Love birds-Mr. Ito said, making you break the kiss, he had stolen the bottle of sake while you were distracted- get a room

-Mr. ITO!!

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