Chapter I

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He should have asked when he could. Zoro had been walking for hours into this forest path trying to get into the south temple without succeeding or getting remotely close. He could have sworn he was following the right path since the beginning; he even brought a map knowing his cellphone was not going to work up there, but his map didn't work either, or at least that's what he wanted to believe. At last he found hope when he saw a sign showing the way the temple was.

-Fucking hell! - he yelled to himself. He had seen this sign at least 5 times before and was about to lose it. If he had no other choice he'll sleep right there until someone else came by, that's how dissipated he was. He sat in the middle of that path and took a bottle of water of his smaller backpack and drank it all in no time.

Now that he thought about it, it was a nice and calm place, just what he needed. He couldn't have found a better place to go, he hasn't even got to the temple and had already found amazing this forest, even though he had got lost. He found himself staring at a rock next to the sign with a carving on in, it was just a small star like shape and it looked like a 5-year-old made it yet it looked so out of place there. Zoro was about to grab the rock when a distant whistle caught his attention, he turned looking around to see the origin of the sound. He could have sworn it was a familiar tune.

In between the trees and bushes, getting close to the path, a H/C woman appeared. She had a brown bag and for how she was carrying it he could assume it was important. She kept walking not noticing Zoro in the way until he was just a few steps close to step on him.

-Are you lost? - was the first thing that she said, but not wanting to admit his current position he came with an excuse

-I'm just resting, I'm heading to the south temple- the girl gave him a kind smile, she clearly knew he was lost

-I'm heading that way too if you need some guidance- Zoro stud up and grabbed all his things

-I could use some company- he excused himself again- I didn't think the temple would be that far away from everything

-What are you talking about?- she said as she continue walking- the nearest town is 15 minutes away from the temple down that path- she pointed to where she came from, making Zoro realize how lost he was- but I get that sometimes these paths can get a little confusing...

-Do you visit the temple often? - Zoro asked when they reached the stone stairs

-Something like that...- she held the bag tighter by instinct, like if the question had brought her a bad memory- are you the swordsman that is going to stay there?

-How do you know?- Zoro asked, not noticing that not only he had not one but his 3 swords tighten in one of his bags but also a reputation since the championship tournament

-A hunch- she said trying to be more respectful at the not so smart guy. They got to the top pretty fast where a big entrance door was open- I need to go, maybe I'll see you around Roronoa, good luck- she said waving as she walked away, not giving Zoro time to process what just happen as she walked into another path next to the entrance while Zoro kept walking straight for the first time in that day.

-Mr. Roronoa?- a middle aged man approached him with a worried look in his face, followed by a smaller man maybe older than him- we've been waiting for you for hours, we thought you had got lost or killed by this point- Zoro recognized the voice from the phone, it was the keeper of the temple

-I apologize for my delay, your paths are confusing and the map I have must have been outdated- the older man began laughing hysterically before the other man hit the back of his head

-Roronoa, these paths have been like that for hundreds of years- said respectfully the keeper as his friend struggled to keep it together- but I get that sometimes these paths get a little confusing...- he said the same thing that the girl, he felt ashamed because of his mistake

-These boys crack me up every single time- said the older man still chuckling a little

-Ignore him please- said the younger man- I'm Mr. L/N, we've spoken through the phone, and this is Mr. Ito, another temple keeper- the older man smiled widely and winked at Zoro- you'll have to excuse him, I swear he behaves... sometimes

-Thank you for receiving me here- Zoro bowed- I really appreciate it

-We're glad someone like you thought about this place, and we hope will be useful for what you're looking for- Mr. L/N said- now let me show you around a little bit so you'll get used to this place

Just how Zoro imagined, the place was calm and beautiful. The gardens were astonishing and every piece of architecture amused him. He loved this kind of stuff, this peace. He couldn't get this in the city, the stress of the people, the cars, the night life, even his trainings were noisy. Finding this place was the best he could have done, it was a shame he didn't tell his manager, he was a traditional Japanese lover too, but he needed to escape from all that until he was ready.

-You'll be sleeping here pretty boy- said Mr. Ito sliding the door of a small yet warm room. A futon, a lamp, a small table with a tea pot and a closet were the only things that were there, and honestly that were the only things that he needed- the bathroom is across this small field- Zoro looked back and just as he said there was a small field of flowers between the house where he was going to sleep and an isolated room across it

-We'll leave you to un pack and rest for now- said Mr. L/N- we'll have dinner in an hour just in the main house, it's just down the path we came through

-If you are late, we'll find someone to come and get you boy- Mr. Ito said again chuckling- maybe you should stay here because it will be harder to find you- the man broke and started laughing hysterically

-What's so funny? - said a familiar voice

-Come here Y/N- said Mr. Ito as she got closer to the scene- this man got lost in his way here where there is only one path to follow! - Mr. Ito was losing it

-Hi Roronoa, are you liking the place so far? - she said ignoring Mr. Ito completely while Mr. L/N was trying to shut him up

-It's an awesome place...- he said trying to ignore Mr. Ito's hysterical laugh, if he had to do this until he left, he'll go nuts

-I'm glad you're liking it so far- she smiled- I need to keep working, I'll see you around- as just as the other time she just left, she left him with Mr. L/N hitting Mr. Ito's head while trying to make him stop laughing without any result.

-I didn't know she worked here- he said to himself

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