Chapter XX

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When Zoro knocked on your door early in the morning he expected to wake you up so you could be ready for when his manager picked both of you up in the town. But you were not only fast to open, you were already changed and with your suitcase close by and ready to go.

-Good morning- you said to a not so ready Zoro

-Damn it- he cursed- you are way more prepared than me- he said looking both ways in the hallway, seeing no one around he took the chance to steal a kiss which you received happily- let's go...- he said taking your suitcase before you could even lift it yourself

He was nice to carry your suitcase outside the shared house where your father was waiting for you, he didn't sleep that night and had been waiting for an hour outside to see you as he thought it would be creepy to wait outside your room.

-I'll get my stuff- he said leaving your suitcase and you with your father

-Good morning Y/N- he said nervously- are you all set up?

-I am... - you said also nervously, he didn't say much but hugged you it was hard seeing you leave so far- I love you dad

-I love you too my little star- you almost cried at the nickname, he hadn't call you like that in years, mostly because your mother called you like that- you should be on your way...- he said letting you go- take care of my daughter or I'll bury you alive- he said to Zoro who was just getting there with all his equipment and a suitcase, he faced the man for a second who looked like burying him right there if he said the wrong thing

-I will Mr. L/N- he managed to say as the face of the man calmed down in a second, letting him go in peace

It was surprising seeing Zoro carry all his stuff plus yours down to the town, you insisted multiple times but he just took it and wouldn't let you have them. And when you made it to town a car was already waiting for him almost in front of the trail, a man waiting outside of it looking at Zoro as he approached

-Roronoa Zoro? - asked the man, Zoro nodded and then man proceeded to open the trunk and entering the car

-Who is that? - you asked as Zoro began placing the bags in the trunk

-I don't know- he said- he is just here to pick us up and take us to there- Zoro closed the trunk and opened the door for you

-Oh, what a gentleman- you said kissing his cheek before entering the vehicle.

You had never seen a car so big, on the outside it looked normal but the inside looked somehow bigger it didn't even have the seats like the other cars you had been into. It took you some time to find a seat while Zoro got in, he chuckled at your confusion as he got comfortable in the small limousine.

-This is so weird- you said before sitting next to where Zoro was as your seat was too far- there is so much space...

-It's a 5 hour drive so get comfortable- he said placing an arm around your back- there must be drinks there, G always sends drink...- Zoro pointed to a small fridge on the car making you lose your mind as the man started driving the car.

The ride was amazing, Zoro was impressed on how well you adjusted to the car once you to the hang of it and he explained what the car was, you were still kind of glued to the window watching the unseen backgrounds passing by, you have never been so far and everything new that passed by amazed you.

-You know- said Zoro grabbing your waist and bringing you closer- you should try to sleep, we left pretty early...- you placed your head on his chest while he closed his eyes but hold on to you, it was a nice sensation and you even began dozing off a little bit because of how warm he was, it was cozy. You closed your eyes, it was inevitable by that point, and as much as you wanted to see the background you just couldn't help it. The next thing that you knew was hearing a police siren that immediately woke you up.

-Hey, hey- said Zoro as you almost jumped out of the seat- it's just the police, relax

-The police?- you said rubbing your eyes, when you looked out of the window you were in a really weird place, there were a lot of cars and buildings and everything was too different- are we in the city already!?- you said almost pushing Zoro away so you could see better from the window

-We are about to get there- he said- I didn't want to wake you up

-Dumbass I wanted to see when we entered...- you complained pouting, you were in the middle of an unknown city and missed your big entrance. The car suddenly stopped in front of a big building making Zoro look outside

-We have to run inside- he said- there's a paparazzi hidden there- he pointed to a man holding a newspaper pretty strangely

-Oooh, are you that famous? - you asked raising an eyebrow

-Not really, they just like to annoy me since the last tournament- he said- they are part of the reason I left to an isolated place.... no offense

-Non taken...

After some waiting, you ran inside the building first, the paparazzi not even looking your way when you did which helped a lot. As soon as you cleared that out of the way you finally got to see the place you were in, a beautiful hotel. It was amazing, you had never seen something like that in your life and every single detail amazed you, the people in there walking by, the screens, the front desk, the decorations, everything.

-Is it too much for you? - Zoro asked just getting in the building, he found you looking at everything like a kid in a candy shop, you shook your head still looking at all the details

-Roronoa Zoro- a voice called him, a man sitting near the front desk approached you with a rather annoyed face- you know how much trouble you cause by freaking leaving!?

-I'm sorry G- said Zoro- I needed that, and I'm returning after this round- the man stopped right in front of Zoro, not acknowledging you- I really need this

-Of course, you do...- the man sighted and seemed to calm down- is nice to see you

-Is nice to see you too- said Zoro, both exchanging a bro hug- G, this is Y/N, the girl I talked you about

-What do you mean talked about, you just said a "girl is coming with me"- said G crossing his arms and just now facing you- nice to meet you... Y/N?- you nodded- I'm this dumbass manager, call me G

-Is nice to meet you... G- you said shaking his hand- Zoro has told me a lot about you

-I hope is only good things- he said- please, I have your room ready and stuff- G said leading you to an elevator- Zoro you have an interview in 3 hours and... the thing you asked me for afterwards- Zoro looked at you and winked as to hint you about that date he owed you, he made you blush.

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