Chapter XIV

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The wait to Friday was long, you counted every second but it was going to be worth it. Your father kept talking to you about how to avoid dangerous situations and every time he could he would thank Zoro for going to the trip to watch over you, Zoro kept being reassuring and that helped out to calm him down a little. The week had been pretty cool too, you and Zoro had spent time together, you had been helping him train by taking him to places to exercise and challenge himself while he would be around you while you would do some chores, you couldn't believe you got the chance to go with him. You got so excited that you had packed 2 days prior and couldn't sleep the night before the trip.

-Relax, it's just a bus- said Zoro while helping you getting your stuff there. You had woken up early to get to the town to take the bus, you had taken it before but it always made you nervous and excited going on it. Zoro hold your hand to reassure you

-I'm fine, I'll be fine- you said following to a seat. Ms. Chie had barely sat down and she had already passed out in her seat. You sat between the window and Zoro holding his hand again when he sat down- thank you for coming

-Please stop saying that... if I hear it one more time, I'm going puke- you chuckled- it's too much kindness- he closed his eye as soon as the bus started and moved, earning an unexpected kiss on the cheek by you. When he opened his good eye, he saw you glued to the window of the bus like a little kid.

The road to the town was short, too short for you. It had only been 30 minutes, of landscapes you had never seen, but you wanted more, you had always wanted to see more. Still, you almost jumped out of the buss and as soon as it stopped, and once you were outside you took a deep breath, it smelled wonderful, new. Zoro smirked when he saw that, following you behind, for him it smelled just like your town but he knew that for you it meant a lot

-Come on love birds we need to get to the hotel- said Ms. Chie giving her bags to Zoro, who just grunted but didn't complain, you insisted on carrying yours

The hotel/spa was small but warm and welcoming, you felt even more happy when you walked in. Ms. Chie took over the rooms with the desk man with the excuse that she made a reservation, thing that you doubted she did. When she came back, she had 2 keys on hand and walked a little... too happy.

-Here, 105- she gave Zoro the key- If you need me, I'll be on 109

-Wait, what? - you asked confused- aren't I staying with you?

-Oh no, my dear... I wouldn't dare to get on the way of looove- she said making you blush madly- it's a 2 bed room dear, don't worry

-I don't know how am I doing this, I can barely believe father asked Zoro to come here- you said, not really complaining but really amazed by how fast everything was moving. Ms. Chie hold her laughter earning a raised eyebrow from Zoro and you- what?

-Dear, I don't mean to offend you... but your father thinks Zoro swings the other way- she holds the laughter and tears

-WHY DOES HE THINK THAT!?- you both yelled

-Because he thinks he dyes his hair, he's an old man, he doesn't know better- Ms. Chie said walking away ready for a good weekend vacation for herself

-I don't dye my hair- he cleared out for you- I swear...

Once you got in your room, a lot of things you had never worried about or never thought about started filing your mind like a bomb. Is my pg. okay? Do I look messy on the mornings? Would it get heated up here? Is my body okay? Did I pack my toothbrush? If he grows a moustache, would the mustache be green too? What if I leave my bra out by accident? Should I ask for another room? Why would I?

-Relax- he said again, laying on one of the beds while you were still standing on the door- you need to start worrying about this, it's just a room

-Yeah, just a room...- you left your bag next to the empty bed and sat on it- I'm going for the thermal waters... if you want to join me

-Of course- he sat down and stretched like if he had been sleeping for hours before standing up

It wasn't what Zoro thought it would be, it was a mixed thermal water spa but you still had to wear something to get inside, still, the "swimsuits" they gave were enough to make you reveal some skin. You weren't shy about it, until you saw Zoro already on the water looking at you. You were used to see him shirtless but you had never worn something like that in front of him, your cheeks turned red and you hurried to get in the water hoping not to die from embarrassment

-Stop looking- you said flustered

-That's not fair, you look too- your red turned even more red- I knew it

-I wouldn't look if you would wear a shirt more often- you tried to defend your case- I don't go around topless like you

-I wouldn't mind- his smirk sends shivers down your spine

-Zoro!!- you were about to explode, he was teasing you really bad yet, you didn't want to end it. It was something special for you, that moment, with him- Zoro


-... I think I love you- you weren't sure, but if it wasn't love then you didn't know what it was. Zoro couldn't answer back, now he was flustered and didn't know what to do, his only reaction was to kiss you on a way that answered your statement. He as lost as you in this relationship that was going on but he was happy beside you, a kind of happiness he hadn't had before

-I wish I had bring my camera- said Ms. Chie interrupting on the moment, she had being there for a couple minutes seeing you two- when you get married invite me to the wedding, I'll make the cake- she chuckled when she saw your faces turning a bright red

-Out of your town? - he asked while you brushed your teeth, you nodded. He was already laying on his bed but the conversation was too good to stop it- out of the state? - you nodded again before getting inside the bathroom to finish brushing- out of Japan?

-If I could I will go out of this planet too- you said jumping to your bed- I want to see what this world has to offer... I've seen so little, but you! - you turned to see him- you've traveled a lot, right? -he nodded

-It's mainly for the events and competitions, but yes- he closed his eye after you turned the light off- I'll take you one day...

Your eyes shined when you heard that, deep inside you felt like you could maybe do it. Leave and see everything, but as soon as that thought came into your mind another one popped out immediately "We need you here". It was a hard, but you wouldn't let that thought ruin your secret vacation.

Zoro heard something heavy moving against the floor, he hesitated for a second, but when he opened his eye, he saw your bed touching his, you had moved it, he smiled before closing his eye again. You didn't dare to make a sound after doing that, but you wanted to know how it would feel, at least for a second, to have a future with him. 

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