Chapter XXV

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-You can do it- he held your hand tight, you hesitated to make the step. It was a really short distance but to a place you had never been to. He sighted and caught you by surprise when he carried you the step you were hesitant to take. You puffed your cheeks when he sat you down in your designated seat next to him and in front of G's seat- sorry, you were keeping all the people waiting

-It's alright, I guess...-you said looking around, the seat was weird and the window was smaller than you thought, there was no way you could ever be comfortable in that space, and yet you loved it so much- when is it going to fly?- Zoro chuckled at your question as you had barely got into the plane

It had been a weird day for you, getting to an airport and seeing all the big things around it. You felt like a child and Zoro also felt that you were like a child, you wandered around getting lost more than he will, the only way you two managed to get to the airplane on time was because of G who dragged you both around the airport. And getting inside the airplane was another thing, you were right about to do it and the you froze for 5 minutes before being carried by Zoro.

-What is up with you two...- G said to himself while taking his laptop out to get some business ready. You noticed the little table in front of you and you looked at it amazed, but Zoro stopped you before you could even open it

-Wait until we are on the air- he said giving you a pamphlet of stuff to do on the airplane which you found really useful

-Thank you- you said kissing his cheek before placing your head on his shoulder, he sighted looking at you, he found you adorable but he would never say so

After a couple minutes of setting up, the flight attendants proceeded to explain the indications with you had proudly already read but was more than intrigued with their little presentation. Zoro on the other hand had already managed to get some drinks to himself before the flight even started and was more than ready to sleep the whole flight.

It was a huge thing when the plane started moving, you were so nervous you held your knees together. You looked over at Zoro who already had closed his eyes and wondered how used to this he was that he had fallen for this so easily, while you were trying not to freak out when the plane announced they were about to depart. You had a fake moment of relief when it stopped, but it suddenly began going pretty fast.

You tried your best to not make any sound to not wake up Zoro when it started going up, but it was way too difficult to do so as it kept going higher and higher and you could feel all the pressure on you. You felt immediately scared and wanted to get out of there, but Zoro's hand reached your shoulder

-Y/N, it's alright- he said kindly, you held his hand close- what is happening here is totally normal, I promise you- he said rubbing your hand with his thumb- I'm here

-You never told me it is fucking scary- you said, he was surprised by your choice of words but you did seem scared, at least until the plane reached over the clouds. You eased up so easy, as if nothing had happened and just like when you traveled you got stuck to the window like glue- you never told me it's so beautiful...

-It is a thing for sure- he said going back to his nap, peeking from time to time to you to see how you were doing. You almost cried seeing the beauty of the land below you, and it went so fast you almost wanted to stay there forever. You didn't even realize you were going down until you passed through the clouds again, yet this time you knew you were fine.

-What do you think of it so far? - G asked you while driving through Osaka, the city was way more than you expected, even when you looked for Osaka in magazines it was nothing compared to seeing it on real life

-I think... it's gorgeous- you said looking at Zoro who gave you a grin, you got next to him- but not as much as you- you said kissing his cheek, he thought it was so cheesy, and so did you but you couldn't help it. You got out of the car ready to get to the hotel when G saw someone on the distance

-Zoro watch out- G said not really bothering before a book landed on Zoro's head out of nowhere- I told you to watch out

-You could have said it earlier- he said rubbing his head, you patted the green haired man as both of you looked for the source of the book when a really pretty girl made herself present- Oh shit- Zoro cursed pushing you behind him

-What are you doing here?- she said bitchy crossing her arms, she noticed you right away behind him, despite being behind Zoro you stud your ground, you didn't care who she was, she had hurt him- you also got a new whore with you...

-Yui, leave- said G again with no effort to do much as he knew how she was, he instead went ahead into the hotel to get things ready

-She is not a whore and you shouldn't be here Yui, let's go Y/N- he said taking your hand trying to get away, but you let go of it. You took the book off the floor and gave it to her, leaving her confused by your antics, he took your hand again pulling you back inside

-She looks as happy as always- G said receiving the room keys already- I already told security to not let her in, but you should introduce Y/N

-I would like that too- you said as the whole thing was confusing for you, specially why she had called you whore out of nowhere. Zoro looked at G for help but he was also waiting for him to say it

-She is my ex- he said- we were never anything actually

-She believes otherwise- G pointed out- when he became known she got crazy and started to accuse him of cheating, she followed him everywhere

-We were nothing- he repeated- yet she began to threaten fans and shit- you couldn't help but to laugh at the situation, Zoro having a stalker was the funniest thing to do- what's so funny?

-I didn't thought of you as the one to have a stalker- you laughed again; he raised an eyebrow offended by your comment

-I have two- he said smirking and holding you close- but I just can't help but to hang out with one of them- you stuck your tongue out at his comment, the moment was ruined by G's cellphone

-Zoro we need to leave now- he said taking his portfolio and fixing his tie- Y/N, here- he gave you the key to the room- 8th floor, let's go Roronoa

-Coming...- G ran outside to ask for the car again, but Zoro took the chance to kiss you before leaving for his interview.

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