Chapter XXI

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Zoro was extremely surprised on how little you knew about technology, like, to the point of getting frustrated with the advanced shower and toilet. He also found it adorable but he said little to nothing. You on the other hand were losing it, in a good way and a bad one, you were fascinated about everything that was around you and how it worked but it was a struggle to try to figure it out.

-I'll be back in an hour- said Zoro after hanging up the room's phone- I got you some food and stuff, please don't get out of the hotel until I come back

-Okay...- you said defeated, both his manager and Zoro agreed that it wasn't a good idea for you to go to the interview as they would take any advantage to take a picture of you and you were not "ready" for an interview, as stated by Zoro- good luck- he took a his coat but walked to you kissing you before leaving the room

-You should try the bath- he said giving you a wink before closing the door.

With nothing to do you decided to give it a try. It was challenging, trying to get the water right and the bubbles to not fall from the bathtub with turned to be almost impossible as most of them fell because of you putting too much bubble soap. And yet, even with that mess... you had a great time.

Soaking yourself in hot water was the best thing ever, it reminded you of the spa with Zoro but it was more personal as it was only for you. The smell of the soap and the calm music sounding in the bathroom made you relax and in peace... until you heard someone knocking on the door. You opened the door covered in towels and a bathrobe to see a gentleman leaving a meal for you with a nice flower coming with it

-Thanks- you said closing the door to enjoy your food, it wasn't much but it was enough to calm your stomach and the flower enough to warm your heart as you knew it was probably Zoro's request.

When Zoro returned to the hotel he found you asleep on the big bed still on the bathrobe and the flower nearby. He was gentle on waking you up, thing that he thought twice on doing as he couldn't help but to skip a beat seeing you asleep, he leaned and caressed your cheek slowly making your eyes open slowly and lazily.

-How was your interview? - you said stretching not realizing that your bathrobe just decided to open exposing your body which made Zoro chuckle while a smirk appeared on his face

-It was good, they were annoying but nothing bad- he said sitting next to you as you looked at him now more awake- you should get ready... we still have our, date.

-Of course- you said- what should I wear?

-Anything would do- he said as his hand slowly made its way to your bathrobe closing it, just now making you realize the incident and making you blush to the point of looking like a tomato- not too formal

Zoro stud up and left to change himself, he was already looking nice and well-dressed while you now needed to think fast. You ran to your suitcase and got that dress you packed for emergencies, wasn't the best in the world and wasn't even formal but it was the best one you got and if you got the chance to wear it you were going to take it.

-Zoro...- you said wearing the dress while he changed shirts- can you help me zip it?- Zoro nodded and zipped the dress, you turned happy to see him making him now blush as he had never seen you with a dress like that. Cute, he thought

-...- he just kept staring. You tried to put make up on but gave up 3 minutes in, just putting some light lipstick on, he saw how you danced around the room trying to fix things and yourself and when he least expected he got a message

"Everything is ready"- G.

He smiled and was about to approach you when he realized he was still no wearing no shirt, which he sadly proceeded to put on before telling you that it was time to go.

-Are you going to tell me where are we going? - you asked holding his hand as you left the elevator into reception, he shook his head but kept a nice smile on. You both kept walking making it out of the hotel, just now giving you the chance to see around the city for the first time, the sound, tall buildings and the people around it was so different

-Liking it so far? - you nodded placing your head on his chest as you walked by holding his hand

Zoro had the great idea of walking to a nice restaurant on downtown, so you could see everything around and enjoy the biggest and busiest part of the city. You obviously were super excited, often asking things to Zoro and getting impress over small things like people's phones or cotton candy.

-Over here- said Zoro making you walk into a building that looked nothing like a restaurant, in fact it looked more like a business building, but you said nothing, following him inside until you both reached an elevator and Zoro pressed the top level button, he gave you a flirty look before kissing you, kiss that lasted until the elevator opened on set floor. Although you hoped that to be your destination Zoro only dragged you to some stairs, going even higher, you even found funny how he seemed to know the way and did not get lost at all- shit...- he stopped

-What's wrong? -you said when he stopped in front of a door

-I forgot to ask if you were afraid of heights- he said, you shook your head- good...- he opened the door revealing you both had made it to the roof top of the building were a table and some boxes were

-Oh my god...- you said completely ignoring the table but focusing on the view, you were lost on it for a couple minutes before Zoro dragged you to the table where the boxes were with you still being able to see the surroundings- Zoro... this is beautiful, you shouldn't have done this for me

-I owed you that date- he said removing the boxes to reveal ramen- we never got to eat... them- Zoro was struggling to get his words right, he had never done something like this for anyone, in fact he had to ask his annoying blonde friend for a recommendation as he wanted to do something special for you

-I love you Zoro- you said getting over the table, almost jumping to get to kiss him which he was fast to catch you and claimed what you were intended to give although his lips hesitated to say it his heart was pounding like crazy, almost as much as when he was on his competitions but it was even harder

-I love you too...

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