Chapter XXVII

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-Please stay close- Zoro said before opening the car, you nodded and followed him out along with G. Unlike the other time, there were already a lot of camera men and interviewers at the scene, making it difficult to go through the crowd of people into the main building.

-Were where you at Roronoa!?- a paparazzi asked

-How does it feel making it into the second tournament so easily like last year!?- another one asked but Zoro and G couldn't care less, they had already answered most of the questions during the interviews and there was no point of answering again

-Are you Roronoa's new trainer!?- one asked surrounding you, the attention momentarily turning to you, you looked for Zoro among the crowd

-What is Roronoa's routines!?- you looked awkwardly at them not being able to answer as they surrounded you with more and more questions, flashes blinding you as they took pictures-why haven't you appear during the main interviews!?- they kept asking

-Let's go- Zoro took you hand and pulled you to him as he got you out of the crowd of paparazzi, all of them following you both behind until you entered the building where Zoro finally let go of you- are you okay?- you nodded

-Why are they so....

-Stupid? -G said

-Shitty? -Zoro said

-Rude- you said, they shrugged as they wished to know the answer to that as well

-Your uniform- G said handing it to Zoro, he looked at it and smiled as it was the one, he liked the most despite most of them looking the same- let's go Y/N- G instructed you, as he had to change and get ready

-Okay, if you need anything you know where to find us- you said to Zoro before kissing his cheek, he stopped the urge to kiss you as he was concerned about someone entering the room and seeing you, so he just kissed your cheek back

-Thank you- he said as you walked out, you waved before closing the door.

-Today is a great day- G said as you both walked to your designated place, he looked rather excited for someone who always looked half stressed and half to the point of dying

-Why do you say so? - you asked as you sat on your place, he handed you the pamphlet about the participants of this year, you barely being able to recognize more than 3

-Because today Zoro has some kind of real challenge, after all some of this people will go with him to the next stage- you liked how G was sure Zoro would do this one with no problem, you knew this as well, in fact you could almost beat on it despite not knowing the other competitors

The tournament started, the judges gave their special speech and presented the competitors of this year, praising Zoro and others for coming back from last year and wishing them luck. You couldn't stop looking at how handsome he looked on his uniform, he wore it proudly and looked rather happy as he was actually having some good competition after a long time.

-Is good seeing you around Roronoa- Tashigi commented, her and Zoro were one of the first ones to compete, strong start, just like Zoro liked it- I thought you had disappeared after Mihawk kicked your ass

-I had to come back to beat yours- he said grinning at her, she smiled hearing this.

As soon as the whistle sounded, both of them launched themselves to attack each other. You almost jumped out of your seat seeing Zoro fight in that way, you had seen how good he was on the other tournament, but there it was clear he had done little to no effort, while in this one he was showing what he was really capable of doing despite not giving all of his strength. And yet he turned victorious again.

-You have seen nothing yet Y/N- G said, he sneaked his hand on his portfolio and pulled a little bag of popcorn, he had come prepared for the show- want some?

-Sure...-you said taking a few, before returning your attention to Zoro. He had just finished with another person and was now preparing himself to know who he was going to be paired with, you were more than intrigued as everyone who had won so far had shown a level of expert that you never thought was possible

-This is going to be good- he said looking at the person Zoro was going to challenge last, people murmured around while Zoro slowly walked to his position only to be faced by a menacing looking guy

-Who is this guy? - you asked curiously as he looked like he could crush Zoro, it was more the looks than anything

-Suleiman, the beheader- he said rather excited, while you were more concerned, yet Zoro seemed rather happy that he got to fight with him as he had missed him the prior year- he'll be fine- he said giving you a quick glance before returning to what was going to be the final round for Zoro- I hope

-I swear if something happens to him...- G laughed at your concern

-I doubt Zoro would let something happen to him- he said putting a lot of popcorn on his mouth- he'll die after defeating that fancy ass swordsman, I doubt death can stop him from doing that first

-Mihawk? - you asked and he just limited to keep looking as it was about to start

-Please don't kill each other...- the referee told them before backing up a little bit, Zoro smirked while Suleiman just looked at him with that menacing look, he always had. It took less than a second after the whistle for them to attack each other.

Zoro blocked with ease Suleiman who tried to stricken back only to be blocked again. Suleiman got angry as he kept giving good shots only to be blocked again and again by Zoro, as soon he saw a slim chance, Zoro got him earning his first point.

-Point for Roronoa- the jury said. Suleiman backed off after this, while Zoro kept the smirk on his face, it was clear that he had realized his mistake.

The referee whistled again, this time Suleiman didn't attack first but he let Zoro do it, he blocked it and then proceeded to try to attack only to once again be blocked by Zoro. They went back and forward, but Zoro was getting a little annoyed that Suleiman wasn't pushing the same way he had done it before so he decided to finish with a good shot just to be blocked by Suleiman, who took advantage of this and tried to get Zoro again.

-That son of a bitch- G said, Zoro had barely dodge it and took a shot from the side hitting Suleiman again

-Point for Roronoa- the jury said again. You could barely move, the tense moment had caught you, you knew Zoro had let his guard down for a second and that almost cost him a point, yet he was fast to take it before the other one could- easy boys, we are not on the finals- the referee said

-But I'm going there- Zoro said, he took a deep breath and almost disappeared of his place when he whistled again. You stud up, you had seen it but it took them all a second to see it as well. Zoro had already hit Suleiman before he could even move, the shock in Suleiman's face described everything

-R-Roronoa goes to the finals...

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