Chapter XXIV

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-It's not a good idea- you said to Zoro- I don't know if you notice that I live in a small town, everybody knows everybody

-Y/N there's no way anyone is going to see us, I will make sure of that- he said kissing your neck but you pushed him away

-Zoro I know the owner of the motel and he knows me- you crossed your arms, Zoro had been a little too touchy lately, he put himself together when no one was around but whenever you were training near the trail to the river or in a lonely place he couldn't help to make a move that always turned on you stopping him at some point as you thought it was too risky

-How inconvenient...- he growled defeated at your words, he just couldn't help himself sometimes, the feeling of being so close with you, touching you. It had been almost a month since the trip and he couldn't wait to get some alone time with you again

-We will have some time to ourselves- you said kissing his cheek- you'll see... now continue, you still have to move those rocks to the other side of the river, you pointed to the heavy big rocks nearby.

Zoro sighted but kissed you before continuing training, taking not one but two big rocks at the time and going across the river not letting them fall at any point, even though the water was totally going against him. While he did it you began going through some of the papers the kids at the school had done for a test, you were sneaky enough to place them inside a magazine so Zoro wouldn't suspect anything while you graded them.

It had been hard having to sneak out in the mornings to go give the class but you made it work. You already liked the kids and they seemed to like you, you loved teaching them history and they listened to all you said. After the classes you had to run back to the temple to do your chores and receive people if there was any and then helped Zoro train.

-Good job...- you said to yourself after seeing how a kid had improved from his last test, you were exhausted, but seeing this little things just made you happy, that and knowing that you had enough to get your ass around in the next city you were visiting

-A plane? - you asked, Zoro had been moving things around so you could go to Osaka with him for his next tournament. But because it was too far to go in car G had suggested using a plane to get there

-Have you never been in one before? - he asked and you gave him a look, obviously you had never been that far and he knew it- sorry

-It's okay... how is it? - you asked leaning on his shoulder- being on a plane? - he chuckled; he didn't expect you to ask about it but after all you had never been into one

-Just like riding a bus, just on the air- he said, it wasn't too much information but for him it wasn't a big deal- just this time they make a huge deal out of everything, like where I put my equipment and if I can or can't drink on it- he smiled at the memory of his first time on a plane when he argued with a flight attendant for entering the pilots cabin by accident when trying to find the bathroom

-You must be used to travel by plane a lot- you said, after all his tournaments were all around Japan and sometimes even outside it

-Yeah... it wasn't like that all the time- he said picking up his stuff to leave- I only started getting in them when I started the tournaments, before that I just traveled by foot to small competitions and stuff

-It must have been awesome to do so- you said- just to have this amazing life, being able to see everything around the world while you do what you always liked, isn't it?

-It was a thing, surely- he thought about it for a second- but I never did it for this... it just came with it as I became more known, it's not my goal to be rich or famous or none of that bullshit

-What is your goal then? -you asked curious, you had seen him training so hard since he got there, and after seeing him compete you were more than curious to know why he had chosen to take that path

-It's a promise I made- he said starting to walk away back to the temple, you immediately stud up and took his hand before he took the wrong way, after all the paths in that area were... dangerous

He didn't say anything else, not a single word after that, and seeing him being so quiet you didn't want to say anything. He was a quiet man, you knew that, it was interesting seeing him process stuff. You had slowly learned how to read him, it was some time tricky and you had to try to read his body language sometimes, especially when he was stressed or thinking about something that bothered him, and sometimes it was so easy by his expression.

Zoro was a tricky person, but there was no doubt that you had fallen for him, for his weird antics and how strong he was and how he encouraged to follow what you wanted. You would lie if you said that you weren't happy with him, you felt like you could never let go, thing that was sad, because you knew how it was going to end, and you didn't know if you could change it.

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