Chapter II

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Zoro woke up with the sun. It had been a weird first night. Mr. L/N had gathered everyone to make a small dinner celebration for him, even though Zoro didn't understand why him being there was a big deal, and of course Mr. Ito kept bugging him about his bad sense of direction to the point that he asked him to grab a bottle of the kitchen. He got lost and ended up outside somehow. They had even bet on where he was going to end up going, he was kind of surprised to know that Y/N had won, when he didn't even see her at dinner.

It was time already, so Zoro dressed himself with just some comfortable pants and headed out with his bag full of weights. He had just walked a little when he found himself in an isolated garden, he couldn't remember being there the day prior, but it was just what he needed. He took out his weights and began swinging them like if they were weightless.

Every time he'll get tired, he'll repeat to himself the same thing. I need to be stronger. Again, and again until he finished doing his series and continued to the next ones, and so he'll do that for at least 3 hours until he decided it was enough for now. It was comforting to have this space for himself, he liked the gym his manager had found for him, but being alone in a peaceful place like this felt like he could finally concentrate like never before.

-Good morning Mr. Roronoa I can see that you've already started your... training- said Mr. L/N approaching him- we serve breakfast in like 10 minutes where we ate yesterday

-Thank you, Mr. L/N, - Zoro picked up his stuff while Mr. L/N walked away and soon realized he wasn't really sure how he got there, he just walked there. Again.

Ms. Chie, someone who worked in the temple too, was the one who made sure everyone had eaten, leaving her to feed Zoro as much as she felt like he needed to.

-Yes yes, a young man like you need to eat more- said Ms. Chie serving him a 3rd plate of rice and pork

-I think I've had enough, I don't want to gain much weight- said Zoro making Ms. Chie slapping the boy right in the face

-Eat! - was the only thing she said. Her menacing face was enough to make Zoro took his fork and kept eating not daring to look at the woman whose face had now a satisfied smirk- good boy!

-Ms. Chie we are out of rice- said a guy from the kitchen- should I send Y/N for more? - the guy received a slap from Ms. Chie too- What was that for!?

-Why didn't you tell me we were running low!?- Ms. Chie crossed her arms- Y/N went to town yesterday... but still I don't think she can carry the rice bags we need- her gaze turned to Zoro- but we have this strong man here, can you help us Mr. Roronoa?

-He can't go alone Ms. Chie- said Mr. Ito who was eating just a few sits away from Zoro- he'll get lost- Mr. Ito was not laughing anymore, maybe because he didn't find it funny anymore or maybe because Mr. Chie would slap him

-Then you can go with him Mr. Ito, you need to exercise more- Ms. Chie looked at Mr. Ito from head to toe- and stop eating too

-If you stop feeding me, I'll eat this pretty guy- Mr. Ito said pointing at Zoro who couldn't care less about the situation.

-Why are you two so loud at this time in the morning? - Y/N said entering the room. Zoro noticed she was wearing traditional Japanese clothing, more traditional than the others around him- keep it down a little please...

-We'll try- said Mr. Ito- are you practicing right now? - Y/N nodded as she gave a big bite to a piece of bread and headed out

-What is she practicing? - Zoro asked, finishing his 3rd plate at last

-The Kagura dance is coming up and she signed up this year, I don't understand why though- Mr. Ito crossed his arms- the other girls are a pain in the ass

-I agree with you for once- Ms. Chie scratched her head- I don't even know why they signed up this year, Oh I almost forgot- Ms. Chie turned to the guy in the kitchen- you go get the rice! it's your fault!

Zoro stud up and slowly walked away, he surely didn't belong in that conversation and if Mr. L/N had told him right, there was an amazing place where he could meditate his mind, and maybe sleep. He was lucky enough Ms. Chien was distracted with the other guy so he could made it outside just in time to see Y/N and a group of girls practicing, unluckily for him the girls had spot him.

-OMG Y/N! you didn't tell us a sexy man lived here- said a girl with too much make up on, loud enough for Zoro to hear, who was neither interested or wanting to talk to them

-Did you see those abs Kahori? -another girl said- Why haven't we seen him before Y/N?

-He just... move here?- she wasn't sure, she was told a swordsman champion had paid to train there for 3 months and that's all she knew- he's a swordsman- she noticed they weren't listening but looking at Zoro while he walked away in the wrong direction- can we finish practicing?

-Why won't you present us to this pretty boy instead- Kahori said- we can always practice later

-But the presentation is in 5 days- Kahori looked at Y/N with a menacing stare, but then changed her face to a warm one

-Y/N we want to make a good dance and we are going to do it- Kahori grabbed her by the shoulder- but we are not doing shit until we talk to that pancake over there. Do you understand, temple girl? -Y/N was quiet, but nodded following Kachori's instructions as she walked to Zoro with the girls behind her

-Roronoa- Zoro turned to see Y/N, she was not comfortable and he could tell that- I want you to meet my...

-dancing companions- interrupted Kahori- we just wanted to meet someone with your looks, my name is Kahori- Zoro looked at her and then Y/N, her gaze on the floor by the girl's comment

-It would be nice to get to know you, but I have things to do, Y/N-Zoro's voice was strong and protective- can you please help me out?- Y/N looked at him not understanding until he eyed the path to the garden and then to her, letting her know that he needed help to get to his room

-Of course- Y/N walked next to Zoro- I'll be back in a minute- Y/N looked behind to see the girl's annoyed faces, maybe Zoro was trying to help but with them he might had made it worst- Roronoa just keep walking straight, I need to get back or they are going to get angry- Zoro looked at her eyes, deeply, trying to decipher why was she letting that happen, but in the end it was her choice

-Okay, thank you for the help- Zoro said walking away in the wrong direction

-The other way

-I know...

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