Chapter V

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-A waterfall? - Mr. Ito nodded, he had found Zoro training and without anything else to do, well at least nothing fun to do, he had been bugging Zoro about going to a waterfall that was near the temple

-Is the quiets place to be, you can hear the water stream and the wind- Mr. Ito said inspired- if you want to meditate you should totally go, you only need to go to the path outside the temple that goes upwards

-What are you doing Mr. Ito? - you said, you couldn't help but to hear about the waterfall conversation- you know the waterfall is close to the dangerous part of the mountain

-He'll be okay if is not raining- Mr. Ito dismissed it

-Is there actually a waterfall? - Zoro asked you, he had been dismissing everything Mr. Ito said knowing he liked to tease him, you nodded with a serious expression

-It is just as Mr. Ito said but if you don't know the way there you are dead- Zoro gave her a confused stare- if you really, really want to go I can take you- Zoro only nodded and stud up- hey, not right now, I have some stuff to do- you looked at the sun, it was probably 10 am- how about in an hour?

-That would work for me, thank you- you smiled and nodded walking away to keep up with your chores

-What do you mean by that would work for you? - Mr. Ito said with a playful smile- you have nothing else to do boy

-Shut up

When you looked up Zoro you were surprised to find him shirtless again, it seemed that it was doing it on purpose at this point, but it was not the case, he was just clueless. You were surprised to see that he actually made it out of the temple by his own, it was just a matter of him following you through the path, but that was the hardest thing you have ever had to do. That path was always your favorite one, the nature around it was calm and peaceful, there wasn't a better place to think in the world.

Zoro noticed how quiet you were. Yes, you had warned him at least 6 times not to turn into a wrong direction but other than that you were pretty quiet, lost in your thoughts more than usually. Zoro and you had not exchanged that many conversations with each other but Zoro had learned to watch you from far, maybe because you seemed to appear everywhere he ended up in or just because you had something that made him look at you every time you were near him

-Listen- you said. Zoro stopped in his tracks and could hear a stream of water ahead, a melancholic smile appeared on your face- let's go, I don't want to be here when it gets dark

The waterfall was smaller than what Mr. Ito had told him, but it was a gorgeous place nonetheless. It was clear for him that people had been there before due to some lamps surrounding the small river around it and a bottle of sake in the floor that you picked up with a disgusted face

-Mr. Ito...- you complained taking the bottle to a small trashcan hidden behind a tree- so... here it is

-It is an amazing place- Zoro said walking inside the river- thank you for bringing me here- you nodded and walked to a rock to sit down. Zoro got under the small waterfall water and moved a big rock to sit there as well. You eyed him for a moment before looking away into the forest again, it had been a while since you came there and it only made you wonder about why did you stopped going there

You looked at Zoro again, he was meditating in the rock. You were jealous of how relaxed and care free he was, even after the tournament thing he had. You did knew about that, you were no fool, when your dad told you about a guy coming to live a year there you had to investigate him, unfortunately there was not much you knew about him besides what you think is the reason he was there, to train.

Zoro could feel your stare, not like the hungry one Kahori and her friends had, more like a curious one. He opened his eye but you were far away looking at some flowers near the river, he dismissed the feeling but then noticed something interesting in the river, one of the big rocks surrounding him had the same star shape carved that the rock in the path, this one was a little bit bigger though

-What the...-not only that one but the one he was sitting up was carved too in one side, he got off the rock and began looking for more rocks in the river finding at least 14 until you caught his attention

-Are you ready to go Roronoa?- you asked getting close enough for him to hear you but not too close to the river's hedge, he took one of the small rocks he had found and nodded, walking outside the small river- I guess you didn't bring a towel- you said taking one of your bag

-Thank you- he took the tower- you think about everything, don't you? - you chuckled

-That's what my father says all the time- you looked at the rock he took- why do you have that?

-I found it on the river- Zoro gave it to her- there are everywhere, I even found one in the path to the temple when I got los... tired of walking- you looked at the rock like a precious diamond, Zoro could almost see a small tear began forming in one of your eyes

-My mom and I used to make this- you said- she would make me go look for them every time she carved a new one, a lot of them have gone lost already- you pointed out- they are difficult to find

-There are a bunch inside the river- Zoro pointed at certain zone where he found most of them

-Is nice to see they are still around- you put the rock in your bag- she made 79 carving as far as I know- you chuckled- I've been always wondering if she actually made more

-Did you not find more? - Zoro asked while following you back- it seems like you've been looking for them

-I was, but if they're more they might be in the deep part of the mountain- you turned to face Zoro- promise me you are not going out the temple alone Roronoa -the sudden change of tone confused Zoro- I don't know why you tend to walk away into spontaneous directions but if you end up there is really probable that you'll get hurt

-Did your mother...?

-Promise me- you interrupted Zoro. Zoro got to know a part of you he thought he would never see and, in this way, you were scared

-I promise- your eyes were still fixed on his trying to prove his words, you were not losing anyone there again

Walking back to the temple was easier somehow, Zoro only turned into another place one. But he was the one who corrected himself after not seeing you in front, you had been quiet, quieter than when they were on your way up. As soon as you reached the temple you saw your father waiting for you in the entrance with a worried face, he didn't like when you walked through that path, a long time ago someone walked in that way and she never got out.

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