Chapter 3: Home Life

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Milly's POV
Just as I thought things were getting better i woke up the next day to my dad and my brother arguing about dads new girlfriend...

I hate seeing them like this they used to be so close and now they keep arguing over this stupid girl its really ticking me off at this point. Dads new girlfriend, Amanda, is really pretty she's a model for the worlds famous modeling company, Beauty All Shapes and Sizes. She has blonde hair with ocean blue eyes, she is quite tall about 6'2" she's always wearing dresses no matter the weather.

Im just annoyed that she has come into our lives and made dad and my brother, Micheal, argue at 7am...


It had been an hour and they were still arguing... as i went to the bathroom to put on my jewelry i heard a glass smash. My legs started carrying me down the stairs at full speed i slipped on the last step scraping my cheek on the carpet leaving a red mark but I didn't care i picked myself up and ran to my brother and my dad.

They stopped arguing...

my brother was in tears...

Dad smelled of alcohol...

That's when I knew that our dad was never going to be the same old man he always said he was going to be...

He promised he wouldn't drink...

He promised he would take care of us like he was meant too...

Now look where he is...


Its been ages since I've seen him like this and i never missed this side of him... i hugged my brother as blood was dripping down the side of his face.

"shhhhh..." I tried to calm him down and hugging him but he just tightly hugged me back and cried.

I wish I got there earlier... I wish I stopped them arguing before it led to this...

Without thinking, I took a hard back cover book off of the table and hit my dad on the head, causing him to pass out.

I never meant for that to happen... But as my dad hit the floor with a loud thud, guess who bursts in...

yup, you guessed it...


She walks in screaming at me...

Dropping the book, i choked back my tears like a cloud trying to stop itself from letting the rain pour down.

I looked Amanda dead in the eye and simply said, "This would've never happened if dad never met you... your the reason he started drinking... your a real idiot and never forget that..."

Thats when she got really mad and slapped me... causing my other cheek to be bright red...

I was holding back tears as my dad was unconsciously lying on the floor, my brother shakily trying to bandage his head with tears rolling down his soft pale face.

I could do nothing but cup my hand on my red cheek and stare at Amanda...

I will never forget that death stare she gave me... chills ran down my spine as my hairs stood up. I gulped painfully, cold sweat dripping down my face... and thats when i zoned out...

A few minutes later i felt two arms wrapped around my torso snapping me out of my trance i looked down to see my brothers sparkly dark brown eyes glaring worriedly at me.

"Everything's ok now Micheal..." I told him...

"P..promise..?" he stuttered.

I knew it wasn't true but i would do my best to protect him even if it cost my life...


-a few hours later-

I was in the kitchen making everyone lunch when i heard a loud groan coming from the couch and I instantly knew that it was my dad...

I knew that he would be mad at me but what I didn't know is that he would be this mad at me because i "slapped Amanda" which was a lie...



Cutting me off he yelled, "I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT!! GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!!"

I was too scared and tired to argue back so i walked up to my room. As i walked onto the landing I saw a note on my brothers door... I will never forget that note...

" I love you big sis... Always remember im right next to you... I'll protect you... I'm sorry but i couldnt handle the pain and if that's what I'm going to live with for the rest of my life I would much rather end it now before it gets too much... Lots of Love, Your Younger Brother, Micheal..."

Once i finished reading the letter I burst into his room. He was lying on the ground. White as paper.  Cold as stone. There was an empty pill bottol in his hand. I fell onto my knees and screamed in pain...


He's dead just accept it... he doesn't have to suffer anymore... he's in a safe place with mom... I told myself

About 5 minutes after my screaming and yelling, my dad finally came up to see what all the noise was about.

"Whats with all the noise?" he asked, but when I didn't reply he got annoyed and yelled, "WHATS WITH ALL THE NOISE MILLY?"

He only calls me Milly when he's angry... i thought, fists clenched.

" I DON'T KNOW MAYBE YOUR SON JUST KILLED HIMSELF AT THE AGE OF 12!!" i yelled as i stood up and turned around to face my dad with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"HE'S DEAD DAD, HE'S DEAD!!" I hated saying it...but it was the truth...

As my dad ran to me and hugged me i pushed him away "this is your fault..." i muttered.

He wasn't happy i could tell by his facial expressions but i also noticed that he was hiding his emotions from me... loosing micheal clearly wasn't the only thing that upset him...

"D...Dad..? Something else is wrong... W..What is it..?" i started stuttering... "Where's your so called girlfriend..?"

It took a while for my dad to reply but eventually he said, " I... I was watching the security footage.." he looked down at the floor as if it was more interesting than the fact his son was lying dead on the ground... " and I saw that she hit you... and the way i treated you both... i realised it was wrong a..and I kicked her out...and broke up with her.., A...Also im sorry..."

I stared at him in disbalief. And before i knew it i wrapped my arms around his torso, resting my cheek on his chest listening to his rapid heart beat... i managed to say, " I know... I love you too, so did Micheal and I'm sorry about loosing your son... You two were so close after mom died..."

"Mhmm... At least he will be able to visit her..." he said fake smiling.

I closed my eyes still hugging him... even though he still smelt like alcohol, i continued to hug him. As the last tear rolled of my cheek and hit the floor i let go of my dad and called an ambulance...

And that brings us to now.., Me and my dad are standing outside in front of the door, dads arm wrapped around my shoulder, watching as they take my brother away in the big yellow Ambulance...  the loud sirens... the bright blue and red lights flashing...We are watching them drive away helplessly... "I'm going back inside..."

Walking back indoors, I see my brothers beenie that he always wore. I heard a soft little giggle coming from my mouth. Bending down and picking it up i kissed it and im now wearing it...

I keep telling myself "Things will get better..."

The truth is...

Standing here right now... I know things will never get better...

I started smiling... not because i was happy...

...But to hide the pain i was living in...

1360 words! I said the chapters would get longer- Eventually.


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