Chapter 4: Few Weeks Later

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Milly's POV
Walking down the corridor, I bump into Jackson on accident. I hear him screaming at me... Its hard to hear him though... I'm staring at the ground thinking about my brother... why he killed himself... because Amanda was yelling... because he knew that the pain would get worse...

"OI IM TALKING TO YOU!!" I hear him yell but chose to ignore him... I casually tries to walk past him but when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back it was hard...I struggled to get free... I felt tears roll down my cheeks... he eventually let go...

"What's wrong with you? You never cry..." he sounded concerned, so as I looked up at him, and started smiling wiping away my tears...

"N..Nothing... I..Im fine..." stuttering as I speak, It's annoying when i always stuttering but i can't help it...

Pulling my arm free, I started walking away.

I saw a poster and thats when i found out there is a new rule for the Library...


So, I carefully place my food by the door and went into the library but instead of reading in my corner I ended up crying... I cried for that long i passed out...

A while later I woke up in the Nurses Office. She said " A young lady your age called Max found you, crying, passed out in the Library, and she said you left your lunch outside... is that true?" I slowly nodded, she looked disappointed in me but didnt say anything else and just walked off leaving me lying there. Alone. No one was with me.

I started thinking about running away... but then I remembered... I still have dad...

-at the end of the day-

I started packing my school books in my backpack to head home. Originally, I was going to walk home but I found dad's car in the car park, luckily he wasn't drunk which was a relief i think he's starting to change.

We were silent the whole ride home all you could hear was our shaky breathing, until eventually I broke the silence. "I passed out crying at school in the Library today..." I told him.

He didnt seem surprised he just raised his eyebrows and sighed, "It's been a rough few weeks for us, huh..?" I sadly nodded.

I looked out the window watching the raindrops slide down the window as if they were tears sliding down my face...

It was a gloomy dark, rainy day, It was horrible. I couldn't do anything but read, right or draw... I recently got into painting, my first painting was of a skull with a lily flower in its left eye socket and petals dripping out of its mouth as if it had Hanahaki Disease.

Dad said it was cool when i showed him... but i think i made him think about Micheal and Mom more because his tone in his voice was so... sad and dull as if he just saw a cat, his favourite animal, get run over... so I quickly put it away.

I sat next to dad and put on his favourite Horror film "An American Werewolf in London" dad says its creepy how I laugh at all the scary and sensitive parts-

What? I have a mind of a phsyco deal with it.

As my favourite part came on there was a knock at the door.

I looked at dad surprised since we don't get visitors often so it was new to us for the door to knock... dad nodded at me signalling to open it, so i paused the TV and went to the door and hesetantly opened the door... to my surprise no one was there at all... However, i did feel a cold breeze go past me into the house... the funny thing was that it wasn't like wind it was more of if someone walked past me and you would get a cold breeze afterwards.

I closed the door awkwardly as the neighbours were looking at me and I didnt want everyone thinking im a weirdo just like everyone else at school. Dad called out to me I didnt quite hear him though so I just went back as if nothing happened.

As I went to unpause the TV, I couldnt find the remote.

"Dad...? Where is the TV remote?" i asked in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that i put it right here..." that when I started panicking... loosing things always made me panic, "I put it right here on the arm of the couch and now its gone!! Stop messing with me dad and give it back!!"

"Chill I don't even know where you originally put it apart from the fact that you just told me that you put it on the arm of the couch but thats besides the point- I haven't touched it at all you were the one with it in your hands."

"Why is everything you say always so true-?" I asked, spotting the TV remote. "Nevermind I've found it. But how on earth did it get over into the kitchen...?"

Not even thinking about it i stood up and walked into the kitchen, it was absolutely freezing, the windows were closed and so was the door, there was no possible way a cold breeze can be digging its way into the house.

The rain got heavy. All you could hear was the Tap Tap Tapping of the rain hitting the windows.

That night was the most hardest nights to fall asleep since my brothers death... I felt as if someone was staring at me... it gave me the chills.

The hairs on my arms stood up and chills ran through my body like little lightening bolts.

I lay on my bed staring at the black ceiling. I turned my head and looked at the door wondering if my dad was asleep yet... suddenly my door opened and I saw a small figure enter it didn't scare me it was just a surprise.

I heard a whisper. It said something a long the lines of "its ok Mil... I'm always here never forget me...!" Then it disappeared and thats when it hit me. My sweet little brother was back!! But as a ghost...

I never told this to dad knowing he would send me somewhere like a mental hospital and if he did that I can't look after him so I haven't and nor planned on telling him whatsoever!!

-The next day: 10:00am-

I got about 30 minutes of sleep... but obviously I lied to my dad and said I got a "lot" of sleep, thankfully he believed me, even though I hade visible eye bags.

I managed to go into school later than everyone else the principal knew why so he gave me an acceptance.

Not gonna lie, i had a few funny looks on the way back to class and many questions like "Where have you been?" It got annoying after a while so i went to explore the school since i still hadn't been around the entire place.

I never realised how big the school was. There were 2 floors that were open to students, then at the end of the second floor, last corridor, there was a hidden door and i started using  it as my "safe place" or "my quiet/peace zone" its where I could just be myself and if someone ever came in there was another secret door no one else but me knew about.

It's pretty awesome becasuse people dont know where you are so they cant come barging in on you telling you that you are late, like when I used to hide in the bathrooms I would always get found.

Im thinking about telling max about it but i don't know.

Wc: 1308
Hey guys so this was a long chapter (in my opinion) and I am having to edit that's why you may get a notification telling you I updated it, it's just me changing the spelling mistakes and fixing up the tenses.

Have a great day/afternoon/night wherever you may be in this world <3

~Random Ruby Doo~

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