Chapter 7: Still Faking

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Milly's POV
The next day i woke up to see that Max wasn't there. I felt a rush of panic fill my body. I don't know why.

I just smiled it off and went into the bathroom and got ready. I went downstairs, my dad was asleep on the couch.

A bottle in his hand as his arm was hanging over the couch.

I was praying it wasn't a glass bottle and surprisingly it was just a normal plastic bottle.

I took the bottol and i could already tell dad was trying to hide the fact he started drinking again...

I couldn't tell him to stop... I was too scared...

I ran upstairs and sat in the corner of my room hugging my knees, flashbacks of my brother poured into my mind...

Tears start running down my face. A few minutes later I felt someone hug me, I looked up to find no one there, I had a vision of my brother hugging me telling me that he's ok...

"M...Micheal....? is that really you...?" I asked, it was stupid really I knew nothing would've happened but suddenly i heard his voice.

"I'm ok big sis! Dont stress please... dad will get better... also your 1 out of 5 people that can see and hear ghosts but your the only one that can feel us... I'm always with you Milly!" he said to me.

My mouth wide open in disbalief. I knew that I wanted to investigate and communicate with the paranormal, I just didnt think that i would be able to communicate with them without an EVP or dowsing rods.

I already swore I would stay away from Ouiqi Boards until I know how to use them correctly so I'm not letting any demons enter.

I didnt realise i was still crying until Max came in and asked, "Whats wrong baby- I uhhh- I mean Milly-" I quietly giggled and nodded.

"I'm ok, Babe~" I burst into laughter as Max went bright red.

A while later, me and Max headed downstairs. My dad was awake and looked angry, I started shaking again, Max clearly noticed as she gently wrapped her arms around my waist.

My dad glared at us, clearly drunk.

" go to bed..." I managed to say. He nodded in agreement turned around then looked back at me... he slapped me around my face just like Amanda did. I smiled it off tears in my eyes dad went to bed.

I turned and faced Max and hugged her tight. "shhhh its ok..." I heard her say as i put my head on her chest. "C'mon lets get you to bed..."

As she moved her arms I looked up at her and we headed back upstairs. I saw Micheal and a few other ghosts who I didn't recognise.

I was confused. Max could tell. "Mil..? Whats wrong...?" she said, I didnt take my eyes off Micheal. He was laughing having fun... I liked seeing him happy again.

I turned and faced Max, "o..oh nothing-" I replied awkwardly not knowing what to say.

"MILLY'S BACK!!!" I heard my brother yell, I looked back at him smiled and rolled my eyes. A single tear drop left my eye.

"Don't cry..." I heard another ghost say. She looked about 5. Covered in blood and bruises, she had cute little blonde pigtales and hazel eyes.

A cute black dungeree dress with a light blue top underneath. Her legs were covered in bandages. I felt so bad for her.

"Max can we go to sleep? I'm tired" I said looking back at Max she nodded in agreement.

"Thats our que to leave guys, love you sis, have a good sleep!" my brother said before dissappearing.

They'll be back soon I thought smiling at myself. I crawled onto the bed and Max lay next to me we pulled the blancket over us and fell into a deep sleep.

Max woke up to me on the floor in pain covered in blood. My dad standing at the door with a baseball bat in his hand which was also covered in blood.

Max was quick into the action and took the bat off my dad knocking him out with it. I just sat there helplessley watching not kowing what to do...

Max dropped the bat and came to me scooping me up in her arms. My eyes feeling heavy, they kept closing and opening.

"Hey... stay with me baby its ok... everythings ok..." I heard Max tell me as I kept going in and out of conciousness. I felt her kiss my head and tears land on my hand.

She took me out to her car placing me in the front driving to the hospital. When we got there I heard yelling and Max was running next to the bed they carried me away in...

The next thing I remember is them putting a needle in my arm and after that its all just a big foggy mess.

When I woke up I saw Max sitting next to me holding my hand crying. I gently squeezed her hand letting her know that I was ok. Her head lifted up tears pouring unconrollably out of her eyes. I patted the bed next to me and she crawled onto it.

"shhhhh its ok I promise..." I tried comforting her. "Why dont we buy a house and move in together? After all we are old enough too... But its up to you..." I asked. Max's eyes lit up, she nodded her head.

"But we need to get you better first.." we both agreed to what max said.

Hey at least I wont have to see my dad anymore. I'm also going to drop out of school, its probably not a good idea but hopefully it will help with my stress.

My life may take the correct turn for once... and hope nothing bad will happen...

But we will have to wait and see...

Wc: 994

Have a great day/afternoon/night wherever you may be in this world <3

~Random Ruby Doo~

The Fake smileDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora