Chapter 21: Few weeks later Wedding Day!

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Milly's POV
I woke up and looked at the date. I quickly got up without waking Max. I quickly put my suit on ready for our wedding. I put my brothers beanie on so part of him was at the wedding even though I knew I'd see him. Hopefully.

I ran downstairs as carefully as I could do I didn't ruin my suit. I still hadn't seen Max's dress. I quickly wrote a note to Max saying wear I was. I quickly got my shoes on and went to my old house.

It's how it was left just no one was home. It was lonely and I felt a panic attack rising. I couldn't do anything. I looked around the house one more time and stopped outside my brothers room. I slowly opened the door, my eyes swelled with tears as the memory came into my mind.

The room still smelt like him. I lay on his bed and spotted his tatty old rabbit teddy that had a stitched cross on his left eye since it fell off. I hugged it tight. Suddenly, Micheal appeared!

"MILLLLLYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!" I heard him yell, I jumped and looked at him.

"For gods sake Mic! You frightened the crap outta me!" I laughed.

"Oopsie daisy!" He rolled his eyes, "anyways am I invited to your wedding?" He asked.

"DUH! OF COURSE YOU ARE!!" I smiled and jumped off the bed still holding the bunny and hugged him. He smiled and hugged back.

"You can keep the bunny! Just take it to the wedding it's special..."

"I know it is... I'll protect it with my life!"

"Thank you... I better go get ready!" He smiled.

"No one but me is going to see you though" I said in a confused tone.

He stayed silent and left. I shook my head and smiled looking at the rabbit. I kissed it on the head.

Sometimes I never understood my brother he was so awkward and weird but it is what it is. I still love him!

I lay back on his bed then my phone pinged.

                    My everything! ♾❤️
My everything! ♾❤️
Where are you? And why is Mason in a suit?

Bubs- please tell me you haven't forgotten.

My everything! ♾❤️
Forgotten what?


My everything! ♾❤️
CRAP! Alright see you in 3 hours I guess :(

Bye bubs! Love you!

My everything! ♾❤️
Bye love! Love you too!

I giggled at Max and how she forgot.

I was sad that I had no one to walk me down the isle but it's ok I guess. Even though I'm in the suit and Max is in the dress we both agreed that I would walk down the isle. I went to my room and found my platform boots. I smirked and put them on. Much better! I'll wear these instead! I thought.

Max was most likely gonna be confused on why I've 'grown' just like the first time she saw my true style. I smiled at the memory.

I looked at myself in the mirror and it didn't look like me. I didn't feel insecure but I didn't like looking at myself in the mirror I started comparing myself to Max... Shes perfect she's pretty she's skinny but most of all she's healthy and her mental health isn't bad unlike me...

I looked away from the mirror and spotted the bat. Chills ran down my spine. I walked out my room and went into the kitchen. I looked in the fridge there were loads of beers. I realised that moment that dad would drink because it was his coping mechanism.

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