Chapter 18: Surprise

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Milly POV
Today was the day that I was going to surprise Max and Mason. I left early, my early being 9 am. I went to the hospital to get my IVF. I never told Max where I was going she was still asleep and I wanted it to be a surprise for her and Mason.

We (by we I mean 'I') am going to be pregnant and our family will grow. I don't know how many kids I want maybe 3 or 4 we already have Mason then fingers crossed another bean in the family soon!

After some time of waiting, I went in and had it done. I was told to wait for a while then they gave me a pregnancy test do to when I'm home.

(Side note: idk how it works so I'm sorry if it's inaccurate)

I got back in my car and headed home, my music blasting through the stereo.

Max's POV
I woke due to not being able to find Milly lying next to me.

"Baby..?" I yawned tiredly. No reply. I rolled over and picked up my phone I decided to text her.

My Milly 🥺❤️
Hey love! Where are you? I thought you would still be in bed. Come home soon xx

My Milly 🥺❤️
I'll be home soon bubs I promise I just have a few things to do. Hope you had a good sleep and hope Mason has been good for you. See you soon bubs x

He's still asleep. I had a good sleep I just woke up and didn't see you, and now I miss you 🥺 but I'll see you soon I guess. I better get cuddles- 😌 love you x

My Milly 🥺❤️
Love you too bubs, and of course you can have cuddles! See you soon bubs xx

I smiled at our conversation. I decided to get up and have a shower and get dressed it only took me ten minutes. By the time I was finished Milly still wasn't back and I started to worry but I knew she would be ok.

I went down and made something to eat for me and Mason. After that I put the breakfast on the table and went and woke up Mason. He wasn't happy I woke him up but eventually forgave me.

"Mason I'm sorry ok-? But you had to get up" I said trying to make him forgive me.

"Hmph- fine" he mumbled as he took a bite of his waffles. "Wheres mama?"

"Honestly, I don't know, she wasn't in bed this morning." I said looking at the time seeing it had been another 5 minutes. I started to worry.

Mason finished his food and put his empty plate in the sink. I only took one bite out of my toast I was too worried about Milly incase something bad had happened to her. Overall it had been 15 minutes and she wasn't back. I didn't know what to do. I went and tidied the house a bit to pass time.

Another 15 minutes went by and there was still no sign of Milly. I turned the TV on for Mason so he could watch what he wanted. He never liked watching Peppa Pig and he didn't like Ben and Holly's little kingdom. He was into sharks and he would watch shark documentaries. He always watches the scary ones. Its not my thing but Milly enjoys watching them with him. That's what they watch to bond.

I find it wired and creepy how he laughs when people get attacked but I'm guessing he got that from Milly.

After another 5 minutes, the door opened.

"Bubs! Im home!" I heard a familiar voice call from the front door. I ran to Milly and hugged her tight.

"Where were you, I was getting worried..." I said clinging onto her.

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