Chapter 6: Coming Out

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Milly's POV
Today is the day I'm going to tell him...

But first I need to write down what I'm going to say.

I decided to make it a diary entry, it was the first thing that came to mind.

Dear diary,
Today I'm coming out to my dad! I just don't know what to say. Maybe something like "hey... Uhm dad we need to talk... so yk how I'm in a relationship at the moment... w..well I'm Lesbian..."
You know what I'll just stick to that... it's the best I can think of.
Anyways I better go tell him...
wish me luck...
-Milly Mathews

As soon as I got ready, my long brown hair down for the second time in years with my brothers beanie on, I nervously walked downstairs I was shaking like crazy.

As soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs I wanted to run back up but I continued to walk to my dad who was sitting on the sofa watching TV. I grabbed the remote and turned it off.

"What was that for!? we were about to win!!" He said glaring at the TV then at me.

"Dad... this is really important... I need to tell you something... and I can't have you distracted..." I said shaking with tears in my eyes.

"Go on...?" He sounded so nervous...

"Dad... you know how I'm in a relationship...?" He nodded clearly in confusion. "W..well..." he looked at me confused and I didn't know what to say... tears started rolling down my face and I blurted it out...
"IM LESBIAN!" I quickly covered my mouth...

"Sweetie- that's ok..." he smiled wiping my tears away. "I think it's time I tell you..." I looked at him knowing what was about to happen. "I'm bisexual..." he admitted.

"Dad I always saw that coming nothing new for me" I said laughing, the truth is I never saw it coming... I had a feeling he was planning something... but little did I know trusting him was the biggest mistake I ever made.

He glared at me and said, "okay then- uhm you should go to school before you are late- love you sweetie!"

"Love you too dad" I said smiling and waving as I was walking out the door. I ran as fast as I could to meet Max at school.

No one was there I looked around and Checked my phone to see what day it was. Turns out it was Saturday. I started laughing as I walked home.

I opened the door. "DAD!" I could hear him laughing. I walked into the lounge, "why? why did u have to send me to school when it is Saturday!?"

"Well Milly- I thought it was funny" he said in between laughing.

I noticed he called me "Milly" something he only does when he gets angry... it was a red flag but I didn't think anything of it at the time.

"FUNNY!? U THOUGHT THAT WAS FUNNY!" I yelled joking around with him. We both bursted into laughter.

A few moments later, there was a knock at the front door and I opened it...

Max was standing in front of me... covered in bruises and blood...

"WHAT HAPPENED!? R U OK...? WHO DID THIS? I WILL KILL THEM!!" I yelled in a concerned tone. My dad clearly heard me because he asked, "sweetie is everything ok...?"

I gently pulled Max in for a hug and closed the door. "wow... you look so different... I love your home" she managed to say blood pouring out the corner of her mouth.

I used my thumb to wipe the blood and gave her a paper towel. My dad walked in the kitchen where we were. "HOLY SHI- SHIZLES" he yelled in surprise. "ok first of all- who are you?" he pointed at Max "and what happened to you..?"

"Dad this is my girlfriend i was talking about..." I said not taking my eye away from Max still helping her clean her blood-covered-face.

She put her hands on my waist and i could feel her shaking clearly terrified. "This is so cute- right shush i gotta be shush or ill ruin the moment-" my dad said.

i heard a quite laugh from Max, I smiled as she looked at me.

Our eyes met.

I could tell i was blushing. "ill leave you two alone" my dad said walking back into the living room to finish watching rugby.

I finished cleaning and bandaging Max's face. "Max... who did this...?" i asked quietly.

she quietly whispered, " dad... I told him i was lesbian he beat me up and kicked me out... my mom tried to stand up for me... but... he didn't want to hear it..."

"thats ok... you can stay here" i replied looking at her smiling.

I put my hands on her shoulder and she looked at me clearly confused, I then gently pulled her in and kissed her. She didnt hesitate to kiss back.

My dad walked in on us, "Are you gir- yep ok uhm sorry I'll go now-" he said walking back to the lounge as if he saw nothing. We both stopped laughing at him. It was our first kiss... wasn't romantic but it was perfect, even if my dad walked in on us.

Wc: 888

Have a great day/afternoon/night wherever you may be in this world <3

~Random Ruby Doo~

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