Chapter 16: Happy New Year (part2)

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Max's POV
2 hours left u til it was New Years Day. Me and Milly were cuddled up on the couch the TV on the channel of the fireworks at 12.

Milly was laying on my chest she sat up slowly, "sorry I'll get off I'm heavy..." she said hugging her knees. I frowned at her sentence.

"Milly Jacob-Mathews... you are not heavy..." I said softly, "now come back and give me my cuddles. Milly weakly let a small smile spread across her face. She came and lay back on my chest, "I love you..." I told her.

"Baby... I love you too but you need to stop paying so much attention to me... you need to pay attention to yourself more..." she answered.

"No you and Mason are my main priorities. I'm keeping my eye on you and Mason, I'm going to protect you both." I smiled.

Milly tightened her grip around me. "But you need to look after yourself too..." she said. I started to play with her hair. "If you keep doing that I'm going to miss the fireworks" she whined, we both giggled softly, I kept playing with her hair.

After 1 hour and 55 minutes there was only 5 minutes until the fireworks began and the new year started.

"What do you wanna do when it hits midnight" I softly asked Milly.

"Sleep..." she mumbled tiredly.

"You can go to sleep now if your tired" I softly kissed her head.

"I know, but I don't wanna miss it! I wanna wait for the new year... cos a new year is a new start!"

I smiled sweetly at her, I held her close and tight.

As the countdown started until midnight Milly got up and went in the garden, I followed her with my eyes confused. I quietly got up and followed her.

She sat down in the middle of the grass and lay down looking up into the sky. I was confused. Then it started to rain. Milly must of known it was going to rain. She started crying, I slowly went to her and lay next to her.

"Hey hey hey... it's ok... shhhh..." I said calmingly, she snuggled into me resting her head on my shoulder. "Now tell me what's wrong..." i said in a soft voice wiping her tears away.

"I'm just... I'm just not ready to let go... it sounds stupid... It's just... I don't want to go another year without my brother... and as the years go on... it gets closer to my dads release from jail. I don't want to see him... I don't want him to have any contact with me you nor Mason... I don't want him to know we have a son... a child...."

I smiled softly at her response, "I'll protect you and Mason. Your brother is always here with us... and when your dad gets released he won't know about Mason... he won't be invited to the wedding... and I'm going to keep you safe... I'm going to keep the family safe."

Milly's POV
"I'm going to keep you safe... I'm going to keep the family safe." She assured me.

I smiled, "thank you baby... how can I repay you?"

She thought for a while, "how about a kiss?"

I giggled softly at her, I sighed "fine anything for you!" I kissed her cheek to wind her up.

I heard a quiet whine from Max. I rolled my eyes and gave her a kiss, "happy?"

"Mmm ye, I'm happy" Max said, I hugged her tight. She hugged me back comfortingly.

Fireworks went off as the rain stopped. It was cold and we were soaked, but the colours that filled the sky were mesmerising we stayed outside watching the fireworks. Max gently moved my face by the cheek with her warm but cold hand and gently kissed me with her soft lips.

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