Chapter #42: Results (1)

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--- Wellston's Main Campus ---

After the series of events that happened inside of Wellston, a lot of the student body was surprised.


"Did you record that, right?"

"Of course!"

"Yeah, me too..."

"Yeah, the school paper is going to be talking about it for weeks!"

"Forget the school paper, the actual news is going to be talking about it for weeks!"


"I don't know what is going to happen with the school from now on..."

"I just hope that everything goes okay..."

But also some of them were scared.

Scared because they knew what it meant to go against the authorities.

From what their parents told them, or from their own conclusions.

Everyone who opposed was defeated without achieving anything.

Meanwhile, John, who was barely conscious because of all the physical pain and mental exhaustion he had in this short period of time, finally passed out.

And Vaughn, who was nearby, catches him up.

- "Sir...?" Keene let out.

- "W-What did you just do?" He asked.

- "Something I should've done a lot of time ago." Vaughn answered immediately.

- "Everyone will know." Keene said.

- "That's the idea." Vaughn replied.

- "To let people know that they can be defeated." He added.

- "This is only the beginning." He stated.

- "But for now, let's take the injured people to the infirmary." He said.

- "Right..." Keene said after looking at Arlo.

Then, he picked him up, and both went to the infirmary.

--- Wellston's Infirmary, 2 Hours Later ---

After a few hours, the first person to wake up was Arlo.

At first, he was surprised, because he thought that his strategy was going to work.

It wasn't a bad strategy at all, but he didn't expect that John prepared some countermeasures against him as well.

Right now, the gap between them is higher than ever.

Before, even though the difference in their levels was great, due to the nature of their abilities, Arlo had a chance of defeating John.

But that chance vanished away right in front of him.

- "I lost again..." He let out with frustration.

- "Yeah you did." Doc replied back, who was walking up to check on him.

- "Everyone was watching it as well." He added.

Then, Arlo noticed that he wasn't the only one lying in the infirmary.

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