Chapter #4: Decisions

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--- Wellston Boys Dormitories, John's Room ---

John's POV

- "By that club, you mean your "Safe" House? Cecile informed me about it, but let me tell you beforehand, it's going to be a failure." I said to Remi.

- "What do you mean by that, I'm trying to make everything I can to make this school safer, I dealt with those fake Jokers that appeared after our fight, I'm trying to do something! Arlo, Blyke, Isen, Seraphina, Holden, and Elaine and a lot more people agree with the idea!" Said Remi, trying to defend her actions.

I don't understand how she can see nothing wrong with those "solutions" she makes and everyone agrees to it, they are clearly a waste of time.

But, at this rate, she's going to leave without having to do anything on the project.

- "Whatever, let's focus on the project first, then say whatever you want about your awful idea." I said, trying to divert this situation."

- "Fine. But, it's not awful." Said Remi.

After this, there was absolute silence in the room.

So I grabbed my laptop, and start making the report with Remi, she starts doing some research about dogs biology, while I make the advantages of having a dog and research the importance of dogs through history because the report would be too empty if we just put only observations of Doe.

--- 1 Hour Later ---

I look at the clock, it's 7:00 PM, it's getting late, and I'm getting hungry, and I bet that Doe too, so I stopped working on the project and began to prepare dinner.

- "Still is not gonna work." I said to Remi, but now with an indifferent tone.

- "Then what do you want me to do? What do you even want right now?" Remi asked me.

- "Like anything you pieces of garbage do will be any good and useful." I answered.

- "Then show to us "pieces of garbage" like you said, how it's done. You already had stated your point, you also don't want violence in the school too and you put all the blame onto us high-rankers, but now you have no excuse since you're King now, and after all this, I don't think you would be that hypocritical to sit back and do nothing about it." Said Remi, with an obviously annoyed tone.

- "Better watch what you're saying when you're speaking to me you b*tch." I said to her in a cold tone.

- "But what I said isn't going to change, and you're gonna regret it and finally see how blind and delusional you were." I said to Remi.

- "Say whatever you want to, I still going to do this, and going to prove you wrong, if you don't have anything else to say, I'm leaving." Said Remi, while she beginning to leave.

But then, I suddenly remembered something.

- "Wait." I said to her before she leaves the room.

- "What?" Said Remi, now irritated.

- "We have to choose the new Jack, not that I would give a f*ck about it, but it's on Wellston's rules, so meet me up early tomorrow." I said to Remi, barely remembering it what the Headmaster said to me when I decided to enroll Wellston, given my rank.

- "Yeah... so..., until tomorrow morning then." Said Remi while she slammed the door on her way out.

At least we advanced something on the report, but she is so exhausting to deal with, but for now, I'll give Doe his dinner while I prepare mine too, I'll try to sleep early today so maybe I could sleep more, right now, that and a delicious meal would be heaven for me.

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