Chapter #47: Interlude (4)

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--- Wellston Town, around the hospital ---

The night was still up.

As the moonlight was being overshadowed by the street lights.

These lights are bathing up broken walls, damaged properties, and a trail of blood.

And this trail of blood had Volcan as the source, who was at John and Remi's mercy.

After this, John got closer and removed Volcan's mask.

- "I was sure of it." Remi said with a serious tone.

- "I knew you were the same person." She said, certain of this now confirmed fact.

- "You...!" She said, hesitating a bit because of her next words.

- "You are the one who..." Remi said, hesitating in what she was going to say next.

After all, it's still difficult to accept that her brother isn't alive.

- "The one who killed my brother!" She finally said.

- "What are you going to do about it if I say yes?"

- "Are you going to kill me or something? It's understandable." Valerie said.

- "Don't put me with the likes of you." Remi said back.

- "We're going to hand you over to the police." She added.

- "And you'll face your consequences." She said with a severe tone.

- "..." Valerie remained silent.

- "PFFT-" Valerie couldn't hold her stoic face and simply started to laugh at that statement.

It was a short laugh, but it was enough for John and Remi to understand that it was useless.

Justice will never be fair to everyone.

- "That's a good one." Valerie said, returning to her usual serious face.

*What the hell is wrong with her?* John thought to himself. *What is she trying to accomplish?*


A powerful lightning strike was unleashed onto Valerie.

- "SHUT UP!" Remi yelled, completely enraged by how Valerie acted.

After this, she continued to use her ability on Valerie again.

- "HOW DARE YOU?!" She continued, as she threw a punch charged with lightning.


As she continued to let out what she had in her mind.

- "MY BROTHER WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP PEOPLE!" She yelled as she threw a lightning strike at Valerie.

- "PEOPLE WHO WERE ABANDONED BY YOUR NEGLIGENCE!" She yelled, blaming her and the authorities for letting all this happen.

- "REI DIDN'T DESERVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" She yelled, as her tears were getting

- "NO ONE DOES!" She yelled, as she was already gasping for air, she stopped before delivering the final strike.

And so was Valerie, due to the immense damage she received.

She activated her ability in order to mitigate a great part of it, otherwise, it would have been fatal.

But either way, she ended up with numbness in all her body, which prevented Valerie from moving.

However, no matter how much Volcan deserved that beating and much worse, John intervened.

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