Chapter 37: Boyfriends

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    After Jisung had put the bouquet in water, the two left the house. “I was thinking we could just drive into town, park, then do whatever we want to… If that’s okay with you?” Minho asked. Noticing the slight nervousness in his tone, Jisung smiled gently. “I’m kinda glad there isn’t a plan. This way we can just do whatever!”
    The two smiled at each other before getting into Minho’s car. “That’s good, I thought you’d wanna cancel,” Minho said, starting the car. “I wouldn’t. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing because as long as it’s with you, I’m happy.” Jisung, realizing what he said, immediately tried to stutter out an apology. “Don’t apologize, it was cute… I’m happy to just be with you too.”
    The rest of the drive consisted of simple conversations and surprisingly good singing.

    When they got into town, Jisung started getting restless. “Hold your horses, let me find a place to park,” Minho said with a chuckle. “My horses are held.” But as soon as the car was safely parked, Jisung was out of it and on the sidewalk. “Yeah. Sure. Held tightly,” Minho said, getting out and joining the excited boy.
    “So, what do you want to do first? We could get something to eat?” Jisung nodded, looking around at all of the shops. “We should eat something good… Not fast food…” he said. Minho hummed, watching Jisung with gentle eyes as he looked at the many shops. Jisung looked like a child in a candy store. Finally noticing Minho’s staring, he turned to him. “What? Is there something on my face?” Minho smiled cheekily. “Yep!”
    “What is it? Where?”
    “Beauty, it’s all over you!”
    Jisung froze, a slight blush creeping up onto his face. “Shut up,” he said, lightly pushing Minho’s shoulder and grinning. The two stood still, taking in the moment. “Well,” Minho started, breaking the silence. “Let’s eat!” The older grabbed Jisung’s hand. “Is this okay?” Jisung smiled timidly, nodding. They started walking, not really knowing where they were going, and looking around.
    “That looks good,” Jisung said, pointing to a ramen shop. Minho nodded. “Let’s go there.” The two made their way across the street, Minho holding the door open for Jisung, who thanked him before entering the ramen shop. “Hello and welcome! Just the two of you?” the cheerful employee greeted. “Yep, just two.” The employee led them over to a table, handing them menus and saying, “I’ll be back when you’re ready to order! My name’s Sanha and if you need me before then, don’t be afraid to flag me down!”

    Dinner went by uneventfully. Small talk was made, ramen was eaten, Sanha was a lovely waiter, and the pair was off. “What should we do now?” Minho hummed, thinking. “We could just wander around for a bit, browse through the windows?” he suggested, getting a nod of the head from Jisung. Taking Minho’s hand, Jisung headed straight for a shop that caught his attention.
    There were stuffed animals and candy in the window. “Sungie, are you a child?” Minho asked playfully. “Nope! I just know how to have a good time!” Minho laughed softly, letting himself be dragged into the store. Jisung looked around the place, completely awestruck by the colorful decorations. “It’s so pretty in here!” he said excitedly. “Yeah, very pretty,” Minho agreed, never taking his eyes off of Jisung.
    “Look!” The younger ran over to the section for stuffed animals, grabbing a medium-sized stuffed squirrel and showing it to Minho. “It looks like me!” Minho chuckled, taking the stuffed animal from his crush. “I’ll get it for you.” Jisung’s eyes widened as he shook his head. “You already paid for dinner! Plus… It’s not even… That cute…”
    Minho smiled lovingly at the longing look on Jisung’s face. “I’m getting it. Now, do you want candy? Or are we ready to leave?” Leaving no room for argument, and Jisung pouting, Minho walked over to the candy section. “I want candy, help me pick some out Sungie!” The glasses-clad boy’s smile was once again present as he and Minho picked out a small bag full of different kinds of candy.

    After the candy store, Minho and Jisung walked around town eating candy and talking. “So that’s why mom makes cookies so often,” Jisung finished his not so interesting story. “That’s fun,” Minho said, checking the time. “Okay, so… I may have lied about there being no plans…” Jisung raised an eyebrow, tilting his head. “We have somewhere to be, c’mon!”
    Minho led them back to the car, getting in and starting it quickly. “And don’t even ask where we’re going, I’m not saying.” And so, the two were off to who, Minho, knows where. Jisung didn’t recognize the roads they were taking, only noticing there was a lot of uphill driving.
    Just as Jisung was about to ask the question, Minho pulled into a parking spot. There were only a few other cars in the parking lot, confusing Jisung even more. “Where-” “I’m not saying!” Minho told him playfully, turning off the car. “Now, follow me.” The younger followed Minho out of the car, past the parking lot, and toward a forest.
    “Not a lot of people come here, that’s why I like it so much. It’s a place that I wanted to share with you before our other friends. A place we could have to ourselve for a bit.” Jisung had lost track of where they were long ago. Everything looked the same to him, but Minho seemed to know exactly where they were. “This is also where I wanted to… Nevermind!”
    When they finally broke out of the trees, Jisung was amazed. There, in all of its glory, was the setting sun. At the edge of the cliff was wooden railing, old and falling apart but a beautiful sight all the same. Some feet in front of them was a blanket laid out on the grass. Minho walked over to the blanket, sitting down and motioning Jisung to do the same. And he did, eyes searching their surroundings.
    They were at every romance novel’s cliff.
    “Jisung?” Minho called, sounding a bit nervous. “Yeah?” Jisung turned to the older. The two immediately made eye contact. “I have an important question to ask you, and I think you know what it is…” Jisung’s cheeks heated up a Minho reached out to gently brush his bangs from his face. Minho didn’t say anything more for a while, the two taking in the scenery and each others’ presence.
    “Will you be my boyfriend?”
    Jisung smiled gently, the smile mirrored on Minho’s face. “I’m still having a hard time accepting the fact that you even like me… And now you want me to be your boyfriend? This is… Like a dream come true…” Minho cupped Jisung’s cheek with such tenderness that it had Jisung tearing up. “Let me prove it to you.”
    Minho scooted forward, leaning in. Jisung closed his eyes, feeling Minho shift even more. Then, he felt a soft pair of lips press even more so on his forehead. Somehow, this reassured Jisung more than a kiss on the lips would’ve.
    “So?” Jisung took his time opening his eyes, bringing a hand up to cup Minho’s on his cheek. “I’ll be your boyfriend under one condition,” he said, opening his eyes, eyes filled with hopefulness. “Anything.”
    “You have to promise me that no matter what happens, you’ll stay by my side. For as long as we’re together and even more.” Minho’s gaze was loving, gentle, and soft. “I promise.” And in front of the setting sun, the couple locked pinkies, swearing to be by each other’s sides for as long as possible.

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