Chapter 1: New Kid?

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Have an early update, cause I'm too excited for this book!




    After school everyone met up at Jisung's house. Seungmin's cold had passed by the time they were supposed to meet.

    Tapping on the coffee table, the freckled boy spoke. "I call this meeting to order so we can talk about the new kid!" Felix yelled. The boys were free to be as loud as they wanted in the confines of Jisung's or their homes. Mostly because of the fact that they had gotten in trouble numerous times due to their loudness. Chan forbade them from being too loud in public.

    Confused, Jisung asked, "There's gonna be a new kid?" Hyunjin nodding enthusiastically. "He's supposed to be in our grade! Isn't that cool?" Hyunjin exclaimed. "Yeah, that's pretty cool. But why are you guys so excited?" Chan asked, "Because it's a new person! A new friend!" Felix screamed, Hyunjin chiming in with "Yeah! I love you guys, but a new person wouldn't hurt!"

    Murmurs of agreement went around the room, "A new person could be a good thing!" and, "I'm getting tired of you guys lmao." Chan, who was sitting next to him, leaned over to Jisung. "Are you alright with them bringing a new person into our friend group?" Jisung thought for a moment, "Hmm... I guess! I mean, they're right, a new person could be a great thing for us!"




    The next day at school Jisung finally had his hallway buddy back. He just forgot how much Seungmin talked.

"And that's when I threw up!"

"Seungmin, slow down hun."


    Jisung was lucky, he had most of his classes with his friends. But of course the one class he didn't have friends in, was the one with the new boy. And the one where his nerves hit him like a truck.

After Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Felix left Jisung was hit with an overwhelming feeling of guilt.

His throat closed up.

His vision went splotchy.

He was having a panic attack. In the middle of a class without any of his friends.

    As Jisung sat, subtly rocking back and forth, the new kid turned around. "Hey, do you have a..." He trailed off, noticing the signs. He got up, going and exchanging whispers with the teacher before coming back. "Hey, um..." His voice was softer and higher, trying to seem calming. "I got permission from the teacher to take you to the hallway, or to the counselor if you need." Jisung looked up, feeling oddly a little calm at the new guys voice. "Just t-the hallway... p-please..." He whispered.

    So that's how Jisung got here, sitting in the hallway next to the new boy. He wasn't getting any better. "Hey, is it okay if I try to help? I get panic attacks too, and kind of have a way of calming down." The new guy asked, Jisung simply nodded, he couldn't breathe so it was almost impossible to talk. "Okay um, can I do this?" He took hold of Jisung's hands, Jisung nodding. "Okay, here." He placed Jisung's hands right over his heart. The steady beat was strangely calming. "Now I need you to follow my breathing, can you do that?" A nod. "Alright. Breathe in, and out. Through your nose and out your mouth." Jisung was slowly but surely calming down. "Smell the roses, blow out the candles!" Jisung giggled at that, the new boy cracking a smile, at the phrase usually used on children. "Is there anything more I can do?" Jisung took a deep breath, "C-could you keep tal-king? Your v-voice is od-dly calm-ming to me..."




"And their names are Soonie, Doongie, and Dori! They're the best!"

    By the time Jisung had calmed down, class was almost over. The two boys just stayed in the hallway, Minho, the new boy, going and getting their homework from the teacher. Minho looked like he wanted to say something, so Jisung asked him the first question that came to mind. "Do you wanna sit with me and my friends for lunch?" Minho looked surprised, "How'd you know I was gonna ask?" Jisung giggled, "Lucky guess?" So, sharing laughs and jokes, Jisung and Minho walked to lunch.

AS: PZ || Minsungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें