Chapter 25: Wait For It

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    “Am I not the first to know?! I thought we were besties!” Jeongin said loudly, arms flailing about. Minho had just told the rest of their friends, minus Jisung, who was staying home, about his crush. Jeongin hadn’t taken the news very lightly, not because he wasn’t supportive, because he wasn’t the first to know. “If it makes you feel better, it was only Chan, Changbin, and my parents.” Minho said, smiling nervously. “How are mom and dad by the way? I should come over!”
    With that, all tracs of anger were gone.
    The group talked and talked of what Minho should do for his confession. “I wanna do something big, but not huge. Something with just us, you know? Like, flowers and a bear or something, that kind of big.” Minho told the group, getting coos from most and gags from Changbin. “Thanks, Bin. But do you think he would like it? If I got him flowers and a bear?” Murmurs of ‘yeah’ and ‘most likely’ went around the group before Changbin finally spoke up.
    “Are you kidding me? He’s such a hopeless romantic that he’d probably marry you right then and there! He’s always talked about wanting to get flowers from somebody.” Chan nodded along with Changbin’s words. “For sure he’d like it. Love it even!” Minho smiled.
    This plan was coming together quite nicely.
    Planning around Jisung’s schedule was sort of difficult. It’s not like Minho could just go up and ask what he was doing next week, especially if he started asking questions back. This is where Chan and Changbin came in. They were gonna ask Jisung to hang out, then bail, and because they couldn’t be trusted to keep the secret or more, the others were simply to deny hanging with Jisung next Friday. “Now I just have to wait a week. Just five days. On Friday, it’ll go fine.”
    “Stop talking to yourself.”
    Minho looked up from his self motivation. “Don’t tell me what to do, Chang-bitch!” Changbin sat up evilly. “I’ll do what I want, Min-whore!”
    “Emo shit!”
    “Pussy lover!”
    “Stop it!”
    “Yes mom...”
    The others were cracking up with laughter, Jeongin already calling Jisung to spill the tea. After a couple of seconds, Minho and Changbin started laughing at Chan’s face. He looked just like a mom. Chan eventually broke, laughing along with the rest as Jeongin spoke loudly over the phone.

AS: PZ || MinsungOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant