Chapter 32: Help!

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    Jisung ran to school the next morning, having told Chan and Changbin to be there early. As he dashed through the uncrowded hallway, a million thoughts bounced inside his head. "Chan! Changbin!" he called once he spotted the two. Changbin and Chan turned around, confused at the out-of-breath boy. "What-"
    Chan's eyes widened, immediately looking around for any sign of danger. "What're you looking for?" Jisung asked, looking behind himself. "Is someone chasing you? Are you in danger?" Changbin asked quickly. Jisung furrowed his eyebrows at the questions, shaking his head. "I need crush help!" he exclaimed.
    The other two let out a sigh of relief, now ready to help. "What happened? Did Minho magically turn straight? Did you confess and he rejected you? Is he mad at you?" Changbin gasped before saying, "Jisung! What did you do?" Jisung shook his head harshly. "Nothing! Well... Something! But we'll get to that," he said. "It's not bad, at least I don't think it is. But I need help making sense of all of what happened!"
    After getting the all clear, Jisung started recalling what happened. "So, he comes up to me after school and is all "hey, Sungie" and I'm all "hey, Minnie" you know? And when I turn around, he's very close. He backs up and says sorry, I pretend I'm bothered by it. So he clings to my arm, whining at me to not be mad and I blow my act. His turn to sulk! And so I copy him and one thing leads to another and all of a sudden we're holding hands!" Chan gasped. "Is that it? You held hands?" Changbin asked.
    Once we got to the house, I wanted to cuddle. You know how holding hands puts me in a cuddly mood, right? Well I take him to my room, and I force him to cuddle me, right? But he's laughing at me wanting to cuddle, so I sit up and I'm like "don't laugh at me" and you know what he does?" Jisung paused for dramatic affect. "He sits up too, and by then our faces are literally only inches apart! And he asks me why and I can't form even one sentence. I'm so flustered! And he laughs at me again and wraps his arms around me and pulls me down and forces me to cuddle and I'm the shade crimson and he's so handsome and I'm thinking this may mean he likes me," he took a breath.
    "So, help?"
    Chan and Changbin were shocked, they didn't know Minho could be so bold. "Well-" "Hey guys!" Turning around quickly, Jisung was met with a sight he didn't need to see. There Minho was, with his hand in the air in greeting. "How long have you been there?" Jisung asked hesitantly.
    "Since a little before you called me handsome."

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