Chapter 29: Changlix

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    "And that's when I fell down the stairs!" A breath of relief was shared as Hyunjin finished his story. It had been impossible to follow, details everywhere. It was the kind of story that if you don't get even one thing, the whole thing makes no sense.
    And the seven boys listening, were clueless.
    "Hyunjin, that made no sense." The lanky boy feigned hurt, clasping at his heart. "You wound me. Truly and honestly breaking my heart right now," he said, turning to his lunch and scowling at it. "My turn!" Felix called, earning himself groans from his friends. "You listened to Jinnie though!" he accused, narrowing his eyes at the group. "Go ahead," Chan said.
    While Felix rambled on and on about who knows what, Jisung couldn't help but notice a strange expression on one of his best friends' faces. "Look at Changbin," he whispered to Minho. The cat lover looked at the boy dressed in all black, watching his face carefully. "My god... I don't think I've ever seen someone so whipped!" Minho said, smiling at Jisung who was nodding his head. "Felix," Changbin cut in. "We love you and all, but-"
    "Hold up. You said we!" Felix exclaimed, completely forgetting his story. "There was a but coming!" Changbin defended, pulling on his hood. "But you still said it!" There was a look of pure excitement on Felix's face as he looked at Changbin. "I didn't mean it!"
    "You love me!"
    "In your dreams!"
    As Felix did a little victory dance in his seat, a very red Changbin sunk into his. "Changbin loves me! The boy who never shows affection said he loves me!" Felix gloated, causing Changbin's face to deepen in shade. "Shut up!" he shouted, yanking the strings on his hood. The hood cinched closed around his face and he quickly tied the strings together. Crossing his arms, Changbin sat and sulked.
    Felix wasn't done.
    In all of his excitement, he accidentally said, "My crush said he loves me!" At this, the whole table froze. Felix slowly turned red, putting his arms that were in the air down quickly. "I mean-" He cut himself off. What was the point of making up an excuse, they wouldn't believe him. Felix is horrible at lying. "I mean, yeah. My crush did say he loves me..." he said, laughing awkwardly. Changbin undid the knot in his hoodie strings, pulling the fabric off of his head and sitting up.
    "It's happening!" Jisung whispered to an excited Minho. "Shh!" Changbin looked at Felix, his eyes unwavering as he asked, "You're being serious? No shit, no jokes, no funny haha moment?" Felix sunk into his seat slightly, nodding. "Is that bad?" he asked, scared of the answer. Changbin shook his head. "No, that's great," he said. Felix sat up quickly. "Great? Great as in, you like me too? Or great as in 'haha this dumbass thinks I'd ever like him'? Because I swear to baby Jesus Changbin, if it's the second-"
    Felix stopped, looking at Changbin. The emo boy smiled softly, not saying anything more. "So it's the first... right?" Felix asked, once again earning a chorus of groans from his friends. "Okay, okay! Sorry! The first, got it!"

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