Chapter 16: Crush?

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    As Jisung walked to his group's morning table, he thought back to the events of the previous night. Once his parents had stopped teasing him, he had gone to his room. Even after Jisung had lied down to sleep, he couldn't.
    He couldn't stop thinking about a certain cat loving boy.
    Being the dumb-dumb he is, Jisung doesn't know when he truly likes someone. He hasn't had a crush in years, the last being in middle school. He'd never confessed to the boy, still being closeted and all, and the boy ended up moving away. Sure, he liked the idea of being with a couple of people, he liked the idea of not having such a lonely love life. But he hasn't had a genuine crush since middle.
    "Hey, Sung!" an emo boy called. Looking up from the floor, realizing that he'd made it to the table, Jisung saw most of the group already there. "Hey guys." he said, sitting at his usual spot. Chan narrowed his eyes at Jisung, nudging Changbin on the shoulder and pointing at the squirrel-like boy. "Something's up." he stated. Jisung looked around at the group, shaking his head and pulling out his phone. Getting the hint that it couldn't be said aloud, Changbin and Chan pulled out their phones as well

Gang Gang Shit

I still don't understand the names...

I just go with it


LmaoI will never explain myself

What's up Jisung?

Not that I care or anything


*le sigh*
I care

What's going on with you?

I don't really understand it myself
Apparently I have a crush

That's not what I was expecting

What were you expecting?

Prolly smthn stupid

But I wanna know

Me too

Give me time to type!
I don't know
I expected a coming out
Even though we already been knew

How do you "already been knew" I'm gay?

I've had my gaydar go off a few times

No offense
But you're prolly the gayest person I know
And I know Hyunjin

    "I am not gayer than Hyunjin!" Jisung blurted out, startling the devil trio. "Sorry Sungie, but you're pretty gay." Felix said. Just as Jisung was about to retort, Minho and Jeongin showed up. "What is the argument today?" Minho asked, looking around the table. "Whether or not Jisung is gayer than Hyunjin." Changbin said, pointing to each boy respectively. "Oh Jisung is definitely gayer than Hyunjin!" said Jeongin.
    "Let's put it to a vote."
    In the end, Jisung got one pity vote from Minho, the rest voting against him. "You guys are unbelievable." the sulking boy muttered. Minho patted him on the back saying, "Truly, truly unbelievable!" The bell then rang, startling Jisung who was still pouting. "Wipe that frown off your face, accept the gayness." Seungmin said as they grabbed their stuff. Jisung sighed, shrugging his shoulders and getting up.
    On the way to class, Jisung, Minho, and Seungmin talked and joked. All thoughts of his possible crush flying out the window for a moment.

AS: PZ || MinsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora