Chapter 21: Dilema

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    Minho was having a hard time trying to figure out what was going on. He felt bad, because as much as he had wanted to hug Jisung to help the other, he wanted to do it for himself. He felt horrible for thinking like that in the situation they were in. He felt even worse when he got a 'thank you' text from Jisung.
    He didn't know what to do.
    So he called up the one person he trusted to be mature about it. Chan. Minho could feel his heart beating, he could hear it in his ears.
    "Oi, wassup mate?"
    "Chan, I need your help..."

    Minho sat nervously, fiddling with the ends of his sleeves, while he waited for Chan. He was so deep in though, he didn't notice Chan sit next to him. He didn't even notice when the other waved a hand in front of his face. "Minho?" The boy started, jumping slightly in his seat. "When the heck did you get here?!" Minho spoke loudly, getting odd looks from some people around them. "You're worrying me, what did you wanna talk about?"
    "This is weird!"
    It was Chan's turn to jump in surprise due to the sudden shout. "Okay... It's really hard to be weird with friends like ours. We already get labeled that." Chan said, placing a hand on Minho's shoulder. "Okay, so... Do you know what it's like to fall for someone?" Chan nodded, Minho continued. "I know I'm falling for this boy, I've known for a while now, but I feel bad. There's nothing wrong with him, he's great, but I let my emotions take over at the worst possible time! I don't know what to do... He makes me feel so happy, and all I wanna do is return the favor... But how do I know when I have? How do I know when he's falling for me too?
    How do I know Jisung likes me?"
    Chan continued being surprised by the cat loving boy. "You know you just told me who you like, right?" Minho nodded, defeat shining bright in his eyes. "Well first, tell me about your emotions taking over. What did you do?" Minho sighed, letting his head fall back as he spoke. "When I took him to the nurse, I hugged him. I hugged him because I wanted him to feel better... But as much as I wanted that, I just wanted to hug him." Minho looked to Chan, guilty. "Minho... That's okay. You said you wanted him to feel better just the same, you haven't done anything wrong."
    "During the whole situation, I couldn't get the thought of how cute he looked in my hoodie out of my head, no matter how hard I tried."
    "But you still helped him."
    "But I still thought things."
    Chan sighed, looking out to the park and letting silence take over. He waited, gathering his thoughts, before he spoke again. "I don't think that's something you can control. If you're falling for someone, you're bound to feel these things. Whether you want to or not... I'm gonna guess you were more focused on getting Jisung help than the other things, right?" Minho nodded, listening intently. "Well then, did you really let your emotions take over? The whole time, you made sure he was okay before anything else. That's pretty great."
    Minho finally smiled slightly while saying, "I guess." Chan smiled, then let it drop a bit. "But I'm gonna tell you some things."

AS: PZ || MinsungOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant