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You know how in the kissing booth the girl and the guy are best friends and they have all these rules. That's pretty much Danny and Rudy's life style.

They've been best friends basically sense birth. They live right next to each other and they even have this platform on a tree with branches that go from their window to the platform. 

Danny is an only child. But Rudy has two brothers, so that means Danny couldn't date them. She looked at them as brothers, but that didn't stop her from thinking they where hot.

Everytime Rudy and Danny would get in a fight, Rudy was the first person to say sorry and he would bring her a gift basket. Rudy's brothers always teased him about it and that he was in love with the girl. 

Rudy got slightly defense over Danny though, if a boy rejected her or cheated on her, which happened way to often, Rudy would always beat them up. He would also comfort the girl afterwards.

Rudy never had a girlfriend, always "keeping his options open". Sure he thought other girls there cute but he never went for it. No matter how many times Danny told him to go for it he wouldn't budge. 

They both wanted to act on the same show or movie, as best friends. Both of them where very talented soccer players. Rudy was good at the harmonica and Danny was good at the ukulele. She was also very talented at different types of string instruments.

But back to this acting thing. Both their agents where very aware of their dreams so they worked together to find gigs, and a few months ago they found the perfect one. A Netflix show called Outer Banks. The two best friends auditioned with high hopes. After they auditioned they went home and continued living life.

Currently Danny had just gotten out of the shower and was in her room in a towel, brushing through her wet hair. Rudy opened her window and crawled in.

"Rudy!" Danny screeched.

"Sorry, sorry. My eyes are covered. I'll be on the platform." Rudy said. Danny walked over to the window and closed the curtains once Rudy left.

Danny quickly got dressed in a red hoodie that said Ketchikan in yellow letters, the town she lived in, and some basic gray sweat pants. She climbed out of her window and across the tree branch. Rudy had brought out some blankets and pillows so Danny got comfortable next to her best friend. 

"Wanna sleep here tonight? We haven't done it in a while." Danny asked with her head on Rudy's shoulder, as they both look out at the sunset.

"Yeah. Just like old times." Rudy said while kissing the girls head.

"I missed this. Just us. No care in the world." Danny said. They both went quiet and just watched as the sun set in front of them.

"Isn't Alaska beautiful." Danny said with a smile and rosey cheeks.

"Yeah. All the mountains. The snow. The small ass towns." Rudy giggled. Danny gently slapped his chest.

"Language mister." She fake scolded. 

"Your one to talk miss swear ever minute." Rudy laughed.

"You asshole I don't- okay you got me." Danny giggled.

The two laughed together until they couldn't breath. They did that often. Laugh so much it seemed impossible to get air into your lungs.

After they calmed down Danny put her head back on Rudy's shoulder. 

"Hey Rudes?" Danny asked.

"Yeah DD?" Rudy responded. 

"When and if we get different jobs, will we forget about each other?" Danny asked.

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