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TW: mentions of Parkinson's, death, throwing up, and an eating disorder.

Um, their chapter was really hard for me to write, I hope you like it. 

It had been two weeks sense filming started, and about one week sense Danny was dancing on a table drunkenly. It had also been two weeks sense Danny ate something. 

Danny struggled with many things but the one on the top of the list was eating. The reason she wasn't eating this time was because she wanted to be skinny for the show. Not because her character has an eating disorder, but because she wants to look good in a bikini.

Other than that everything was going great and she now she's about to call her mom on her computer. She was laying on her stomach in bed.

"Hey mom!" Danny spoke cheerfully.

"Hey baby, how's filming going?" Her mom said to her with the same amount of enthusiasm. 

"It's great! I've never made this many friends this fast ever. I was really worried about that at first but they are all really supportive people and I'm really happy I'm working with them." Danny gushed.

"Anyone special catch your eye?" Samantha teased.

"Um, yes actually." Danny blushed.

Rudy was on the other side off the door and once he heard her mom ask that question he put his ear up to it.

"So, remember that guy that we talked about before. Like a lot, and you told me to just stay friends so it won't ruin our friendship?" Danny spoke.

"Oh I remember. Danny, I need you to make this decision for yourself. I've told you my piece and I stand by it. But now I'm thinking you should try to go for it. I know that's hard, it's really hard. I understand, but I think it would be cute. You guys would make a good couple." Samantha told her daughter.

Danny was smiling uncomfortably. "It's just, I want to spend every breathing moment with him. He's always there for me and I think he always will be. He's a lot taller than me, his crazy hair, his eyes, I could stare at them for hours. But I just don't know how he'll react." Danny said. 

She got up off her bed and walked over to the door with her computer in hand. Rudy heard her movements and ran to the couch. She opened the door and walked into the kitchen. Now Rudy had to pretend he didn't hear a thing. Easy enough right?

"Let's change the subject." Her mother suggested.

"Okay!" Danny said with a smile still thinking about him. She started washing dishes, because the cast partied at her and Madelyn's place and didn't wash their dishes.

"Honey, I do need to talk to you about something important." Samantha said in a unsteady voice.

"Mom are you okay?" Danny asked looking away from the dishes and focusing on her distressed looking mother.

"Sit down baby." She spoke calmly.

Danny grabbed her computer and brought it over to the couch. She was surprised to see Rudy, but shrugged it off.

"Hey Rudy! I'm glad your with her. You both need to hear what I'm about to say." Samantha said as calmly as possible.

The two got comfortable on the couch together and prepared for the news Danny's mother was about to tell them.

"So, um, I don't really know where to start with this. You know how your grandfather has Parkinson's, its gotten worse lately. The other day he fell and we couldn't get him up, and had to call the cops to get him up. After that we started looking for um... nursing homes. Today we actually moved him into one." Samantha said with tears in her eyes.

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