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TW: blood, mentions of cutting

Rudy just finished cleaning up Danny from all her blood and visible cuts.

"Is there anymore?" Rudy asked thinking there could be more under her shirt or on the inside of her thighs.

"No." Danny said looking down at their intertwined hands.

"Are you sure? Do you wanna tell Maddie maybe? Or have Maddie come look?" Rudy asked.

"No I promise." Danny said looking into his eyes.

"Okay, I trust you." Rudy looked into her eyes. "Can I kiss you?" He asked.

"Yeah." Danny smiled up at him.

"Good." Rudy said smashing his lips against hers. He missed it. He needed it. All he had done was crave her, wanted to feel her lips on his and now that they where it felt so right.

"Are y'all almost done?" Drew asked knocking on the door making the pair spring apart.

"Yeah sorry, just cleaning the counter." Rudy responded making a scared face.

Drew opened the door. "Sorry I just gotta take a leak." He said pushing them out of the bathroom.

"Thanks Drew, 'cause I really needed to know that." Danny said in a disgusted voice as Drew shut the door. 

"Well I'm sorry, everyone's fucked kissing everywhere I go." Drew mumbled but loud enough for Danny to hear.

"You lonely Drew?" She asked through a pouted lip.

"Can we talk about this after I piss. It's kinda hard to piss and talk to someone who's not a dude." He said truthfully.

"He's literally got a point Danny." Chase added.

"What do y'all even do in the bathroom?" Bailey asked very disgusted.

"Talk n' shit." Austin said, but Danny knew he was lying.

"That's his lying voice. You fucking liars." Danny said almost gagging.

"Y'all are horny fuckers." Madelyn said with a scrunched nose.

"Says the girl sitting on Chase." Rudy laughed.

"Says the man that's to scared to kiss a girl when all his friends are in the room." Chase defended Maddie.

"Okay first of all-" Rudy started.

"Rudy, open your mouth and I swear to God I will kick your ass." Danny threatened.

"No, no! Let the man talk." Austin said.

"He has no balls he won't." Danny shrugged.

"I have balls." Rudy said faking offence.

"Prove it." Danny challenged crossing her arms over her chest.

Rudy began pulling his pants down. The three girls groaned turning away.

"Okay, he's packin'." Drew said walking out of the bathroom.

"Thank you!" Rudy yelled pulling his pants up.

Danny was a blushing mess. She pulled her hood over her head and pulled the strings so that if you looked at her all you could see would be her eyes. She quickly went onto the balcony. Mads followed her out.

"You okay D?" She asked the girl.

"Yeah I just- he's fucking packin'." Danny said almost drooling. Mads started laughing at her and ran inside to get Madison. They both came outside and Mads had a big grin on her face.

"Tell her what you just told me!" Mads yelled.

"Rudy's fucking packing dude." Danny said throwing her head back making her hood come off. The girls saw her face and instantly started teasing her.

"Have you never seen him in underwear before or something?" Maddie laughed.

"I mean yeah, but not after kissing him like damn. The places my head goes. But anyways I'm setting Drew up on a date." Danny said feeling bad for the tall boy.

"He does seem lonely." Madelyn said with a frown.

"Who are you setting him up with?" Maddie asked twirling her brown curly hair on her finger.

"My manager. Her names Riley. Sweetest girl ever. She's twenty six. Red hair, freckles, beautiful smile, skinny like fucking skinny like a good skinny, like healthy skinny. Really nice personally, the sun in the room, the best smile I've ever fucking seen. Cute taste in clothes likes she's absolutely perfect for him. From what I've seen, she's his type, and he's hers." Danny smirked at the end.

"I'll tell him and you text her-" Maddie started planning, but Danny's phone rang.

"Shit it's my mom. I really gotta take this I'm sorry guys." Danny apologized. She knew it was about her dad just like Penny said earlier.

"Girl your good, answer it." Mads gave her a sympathetic look. Danny nodded and took a breath before answering.

"Hey mama!" Danny waved at her.

"Hi baby. How you doing?" She asked wiping her nose. Danny walked inside and nodded at Rudy signaling for the door.

"I'm fine, my friend Austin helped me out earlier then shit happened. Hold on mama." Danny said. Everyone smiled at Danny calling her mom, mama.

"Wanna go to yours?" Danny asked looking at Rudy.

"Danny your fine call her here." JD spoke up.

"No that not fair to y'all. C'mon Rudes." Danny said walking to the door.

"Be back in an hour maybe?" Rudy said walking out the door.

"They are so fucking cute." Mads said now sitting on the couch.

"I know and D calling her mom mama. That shit melts my heart." Bailey said with a sad smile.

"We gotta get them together." JD said changing the sore topic. Bailey gave him a smile for it.

"I know but Danny's like broken right now, what if she hurts him?" Drew asked.

"They've been friends for like ever, I think they know how to resolve a conflict." Chase said.

"Okay Mr. Big Words." Austin mocked earning a slap from Chase.

The boys kept being boys but Madison managed to grab Drew.

"What up Bails?" Drew asked

"We wanna set you up on a date." She told him.

"I dunno." Drew said scratching the back of his neck.

"It's Danny's manager. I'm sure you've seen her Instagram Drew." Maddie giggled.

"I mean, she's my type. I just- I'm not good with meeting new people." He confessed.

"At least try?" She asked.

"Okay." Drew smiled.


"Okay mama, I'm gonna call you back in a sec from Rudy's laptop okay?" Danny asked closing the door to leading into the apartment.

"Sure baby." Samantha smiled weekly and hung up.

"You ready to call her again?" Rudy asked as they continued walking.

"Kinda? I gotta tell her about you know what." Danny huffed.

"You do, it's good that you know that." Rudy said pulling her into a side hug and kissing her head.

"Knock it off." Danny laughed at him,

"Your just so-so fucking cute." Rudy ruffled her hair as they continued walking down the hall way.

"Stop it. But I think your pretty too." Danny smiled up at him.

She really liked this boy and really wanted to be something but that'd be weird right? Like there best friends, but what if they where meant to be more?

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