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TW: throwing up

"Rudy, you don't need to stay in here while I shower." Danny sighed from inside the shower while she took her clothes off and handed them to the boy.

"Yes I do, what happens if you pass out or throw up? I'll be here. I will be staying thank you very much." Rudy said with the perfect amount of sass.

"I didn't know you where that passionate about it Rudy, but whatever floats your boat." Danny laughed while turning on the shower.

"I miss you." Danny heard Rudy say. She poked her head out of the shower curtain to see the boy looking in the mirror. His lips where moving so he must've been talking to himself.

"Who are you talking too pretty boy?" Danny asked with her head back in the shower. She started washing her body.

"Nobody.." He trailed off.

Danny started to feel light headed.

"Rudy?" She asked to the boy in a soft voice.

"You okay?" He asked as he started walking toward the curtain.

"I-i don't feel good." Her voice wavered. Everything felt fuzzy in her head, and things where moving slower.

"I'm gonna give you a towel okay?" Rudy asked. Danny only mumbled a yes. He handed he the towel and she wrapped her body with the towel. Rudy reached his hand in and turned off the water.

"Give me your hand." Rudy said with an extended hand out to Danny. She took it and he lead her out. He helped her slowly sit on the floor. He sat with her.

They just sat their together. Danny's hair dripping with water while she laid her head into Rudy's shoulder. He rested her head on hers and held her hand, rubbing soft circles on her wet skin. 

After ten minutes Danny felt better. She just couldn't stand long.

"Okay, I'm good now." She said slowly standing up. 

"Your not going back in that shower. You need to lay down." Rudy said grabbing her hand.

"No I'm fine let me shower." Danny laughed at Rudy. He was being really sweet today.

"Please Danny." Rudy pleaded with a pouting face while looking down at her.

"I'm getting Mads. Mads! I'm pregnant!" Danny screamed. She was only joking, she just wanted Mads to come quickly.

"What!" The two heard all the boys scream and then many heavy foot steps coming to the door. Then it burst open and Mads grabbed Danny.

"Are you for real?" Mads asked seeming really excited.

"No I just wanted you to come quick." Danny shrugged thinking it was fine. Mads looked sad but she laughed it off.

"So why did you yell you where pregnant?" Chase asked.

"Because I needed Mads to come quick. Not you guys." Danny said.

"Why?" Mads laughed.

"Rudy won't let me finish showering." Danny whined bounced up in down in her place.

"Because you said you didn't feel good!" Rudy said defending himself with his hands in the air.

"Bubs, how about you go back to bed." Mads offered.

"Fine. I gotta get dressed- wait. Shit." Danny mumbled grabbing her phone from the counter.

"What?" Rudy asked looking over her shoulder.

"Riley texted me." Danny said with a smile looking up at Drew. Everyone over at the tall man. They all decided, without Drew knowing, that they'd set him up. And Riley was the girl he was getting set up with.

"Don't change the subject." Drew said cluelessly.

"Yeah get dressed. Your towels falling down too." Austin scoffed, tapping his foot on the floor.

"Okay fine." Danny said while grabbing a sports bra. The four boys and Madelyn left, but Rudy stayed. They did close the door behind them.

"Just don't look Rudy." Danny pleaded wanting to give up with trying to change under a towel.

"Oh yeah." Rudy stuttered turning around and covering his eyes. Danny chuckled to herself a little bit and dropped the towel. She put on her sports bra and underwear before Rudy turned around and grabbed her face.

"I'm not done yet!" She screeched laughing as she did so.

"Can I kiss you?" Rudy asked staring into her eyes.

"Yeah." She mumbled before he attacked his lips to hers. 

"Wait." Danny said before they went to far. "You'll catch whatever I have."

"I don't care." Rudy said going back in for a kiss.

"I do." She said on his lips. "I will not be the reason-" Danny started saying before covering her mouth. She ran over to the toilet and kneeled in front of it emptying out her stomach.

As she did this Rudy held her hair back. Once she stopped she leaned into him.

"I don't like being sick." Danny whispered. She felt gross again. All she wanted was to not be sick.

"I know you don't. I don't like seeing you sick too. How about I help you finish getting dressed and we can go take a nap?" Rudy asked making Danny nod eagerly. 

He helped her get dressed then the two of them went back to her room and turned on a movie. Danny was laying her head on Rudy's chest and almost instantly fell asleep. He made her feel safe, comforted, wanted, and loved. 

She did have one thing to look forward too when she wasn't sick anymore. A date with Rudy. A date with the guy she's been crushing on for years. Too many years to count. And if you asked her, that's better than any gift she could get.

Danny wanted to grow old with him, have kids with him, be a happy family, with the guy she loved with her entire heart.

Yes they haven't gone out yet but after being head over heals for a guy for more than twenty years makes you fall in love with them even if you haven't kissed them. She knew his life inside and out and he knew hers. They knew every little detail about each other, but they where to scared to do anything about it.

Rudy was always hesitant because Danny always had something going on. But now that they are older and understand all this stuff about life and who they are, he wants to take that chance.

He had the entire date planned out. It was planned out for years actually. He had it all ready for when he decided he had the balls to do something about it. Now was the time.

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