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It's been a month sense the car melt down now. That day was not a good day for Danny to say the least, but today she was doing so much better. Well maybe not she was pretty drunk last night...

"Hey, bubs? Time to wake up okay?" Madelyn asked opening her door.

"Nooo." Danny groaned shoving a pillow on her face.

"Don't do that." Madelyn said running over and taking the pillow from her.

"It's not gonna kill me loosen up and go away." Danny continued to groan with the biggest headache ever.

"I know your head hurts babes, I know. I have some advil for you." Madelyn ordered holding her hand out.

"I can't take it. I take that then I can't have my meds. If I take my meds then I have to wait forever for advil." Danny explained to the girl that just wanted to help her friend. "But it's fine, I'm not taking anything." She finished rolling over onto her other side, away from Mads.

"Well you should take your meds. I'm sure the head thing will go away. Just take these for me, okay?" She asked.

"Hmmm." Danny pretended to think. "Nope." She said snuggling back into her covers.

"I'm getting the boys." Madelyn said walking out of the room.

"Yeah. Go get your man. Tell Chase you need some dick." Danny mumbled into her pillows with her head pounding harder than ever. She tended to get like this when she was hungover. But this time she didn't feel good.

Only a few minutes later she heard a bang come from kitchen then the door shut.

"I'm flipping the damn bed!" Austin yelled walking through the apartment.

"Hell yeah!" Drew agreed eagerly.

"Chase! Mads needs some dick!" Danny yelled. It made her stomach turn into a not. She did not feel good.

"Danny!" Mads yelled laughing. Then her door opened and everyone came in accept Madison. She had to film scenes with her show parents. Jonas wasn't sure if they where definitely going to use these scenes.

"Chase. Did you like not just listen to me." Danny groaned pulling her knees into her stomach, curling up into a ball.

"So we flipping her?" JD asked being a total ass in Danny's opinion.

"Fuck yeah!" Rudy yelled.

"No. No, no, no ,no. Please don't." Danny moaned out grabbing her side. Austin started to sit down on her bed.

"You feeling okay?" He asked grabbing her shoulder.

"Mhm." She pushed out. Danny didn't like it when people helped her. Like when she wasn't feeling good, she wanted to do it by herself.

"Danny." Mads said crouching down to get on her level."You look really pail sweetheart." The blonde said placing her hand on Danny's forehead."Honey, your burning up. Chase get the thermometer. The mouth one please." Mads instructs him.

"Yeah get your horny lover a thermometer." Danny comments making the boys behind her burst into laughter. Mads and Chase just look at each other with open mouths and going back to what they where doing making the boys only laugh harder. 

Austin eventually stopped and started rubbing her back attempting to comfort her. The other three boys stopped laughing and sat on her bed. Austin moved so Rudy could be right behind Danny.

Her door opened and revealed Chase.

"Danny don't make a comment." Chase said blankly with a laugh at the end.

"But I'm funny bro." Danny said, groaning.

"Your a very funny girl. Open up." Mads said tapping Danny's chin and placing the thermometer under her tongue. Danny held it in place and turned away from Madelyn and into Rudy's lap groaning when she laid on her stomach.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna get you some stuff." Mads said rushing out of the room. 

The boys talked amongst themselves until the thermometer beeped. Rudy took it out glanced at Danny with wide eye then looked back at the thermometer.

"One O one point three. Baby no." Rudy said grabbing her face into his hands.

"Baby?" Everyone said simultaneously. Rudy's eyes widened, but he didn't care. His favorite girl in the entire world had a fever.

"I got a bucket, wet wash cloth, it should be cold, uh tissues and another bucket for those, Vicks and chapstick. The first buckets for if you get sick." Mads said with a smile putting it all on her dresser.

"She has a fever." Rudy said still holding Danny's face in his hands.

"Okay well we will leave y'all alone." Mads said with a small smile and kissing Danny's forehead before leaving the bedroom. 

"Yeah all alone." Drew said winking. Sometimes he could act really stupid, but it was funny. The boys left so Danny and Rudy could be alone.

There was a few minutes of silence but it felt comfortable for the two of them. Rudy was sitting on the bed while Danny was under her sheets and laying on his legs. He was mindlessly playing with her hair while she hugged his legs.

"I was thinking..." Rudy started saying but trailed off sounding nervous.

"Go on." Danny said looking up at him with a weak smile.

"When your feeling better do you want to maybe go on a date?" Rudy asked the girl nervous she might turn him down.

"That'd be lovely." Danny smiled bigger up at him.

"I thought you might say no or something." Rudy said visibly relived Danny didn't reject him. Then it would definitely be awkward between the two.

"I would never say no to a date with you. Sooooo, where we going on this date?" Danny asked sniffling her noes. Rudy found it cute she wanted to know. He knew she liked surprises.

"Can't tell you yet, but I have it already planned out. It'll be fun I promise." Rudy said continuing to play with her curly hair. Danny just smiled up at him. She was very excited to their first date. So was he.

"C'mon, let's get you in the shower. Maybe it'll help." Rudy suggested looking down at the girl that was blushing and she didn't even know it.

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